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Ariana opens her boxes and smiles at Minnie's toilet. Minnie walks over and looks up to her mummy. "This is your toilet baby for when you go wee or poop" Ariana tells her standing up and taking it to the bathroom. "so when you feel like you need to wee this is where you come okay. This is going to take time and many accidents okay. So if you do it in your nappy it is okay" Ariana explains to her making Minnie nod.

"Hey where are my girlies" Dalton frowns "daddy" Minnie smiles hearing his voice. "where is mummy baby" He asks confused. "in the bathroom daddy my toilet" she smiles making him nod walking to the bathroom cuddling her.

"mummy butt on show" Minnie giggles making Dalton look. "it sure is" he nodded pulling her top down. "aww it looks cute" Dalton smiles. "yeah i got 3 so we have one in every bathroom we use a lot of" Ariana smiles making him nod.

"babe you cut yourself" he asks "No i have a blister" she giggles standing up taking Minnie who threw herself at her. "can I say hello to daddy" Ariana asks "no" she pouts.

"oh okay" Ariana pouts. "I'm going to shower baby" he tells her making her nod. "come on me and you go watch some movies" Ariana carries her downstairs sitting on the sofa with her.

"mummy go pee okay you carry on watching this" Ariana tells Minnie making her nod. Ariana ran up the stairs and wraps her arms around her man. "oh you gor away from her" he asks holding her "mhm" she nodded. "needed some kisses off my man im feeling sad" She kisses his lips. "Wh-." "hey mummy you say you were going pee pee not to kiss daddy. No kisses" Minnie pulls her away making Ariana sigh "baby girl why can't mummy kiss me" He asks.

"daddy is mine" She states pulling Ariana down the stairs. Dalton got changed quickly before going downstairs.

"Cutie can we talk" Dalton asks "mhm" she nods. "your not very talkative" he asks taking her hand. "I got a sign that im coming on my period" she pouts. "Is that a bad thing baby. Why has that made you sad" He asks "I sort of hoped that I would miss it" She looks down "you wanting a baby. I know we talked about not wearing protection anymore because if it happened we were ready" He rubs her back.

"I just felt like this time it would happen but I guess not" she pouted. "We can start officially trying if that makes you feel better" he rubs her back making her nod.

"I love you so fucking much" Ariana straddles him snuggling into his chest. "our princess is nearly 3" Ariana smiles. "5 more months baby" he smiles "I know"

Ariana sits on his knee kissing all over his face. "I hear little feet" she kisses him some more. "hey get of my daddy" "Minnie stop it" Dalton sighs. "Mummy is sad. Mummy needs me to cheer her up. I can share you both" He tells her. "THAT not fair" Minnie falls to her bum.

"Its okay" Ariana sighs standing up from his knee and walking to the kitchen. Minnie stood up sitting on Dalton's knee. Dalton rubs her back letting her cuddle into him.

"Hey guys" Joan smiles. "oh where is my daughter" Joan asks "She was in the kitchen a minute ago" Dalton smiles lightly to her.

"can i have my man now" Ariana asks Dalton who had just put Minnie to bed. "come her angel" He opens his arms making her run into them. Ariana jumps up wrapping her self around him. "i'm all yours now baby" he kisses her cheek making Ariana smile "good"

Dalton carries her down the stairs laying with her on the sofa. "im sorry my girl wouldn't let you near me today" He rubs her back. "its okay. Your her daddy. Im just boring mummy" Ariana mumbles. "don't say that"

"its true. Im just the one that cleans up after her tells her off. Feeds her. To her im the one who keeps her happy. Your the one she loves" "stop that right now" Dalton tells her. "she adored you baby. She was just having a daddy day. She has mummy days all the time" Dalton rubs her back.

He got not reply from her so he looked down to her and smiles at her asleep in his arms. "Come on angel lets get you to bed i think you need it" He gently carried her up to the bedroom and placed her down on the bed tucking her in.

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