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"babe" Dalton whines "whats up baby" She frowns looking up at him "you know i love you right" he asks giving her a kiss "mhm what you want or done" "can i go see my friends" he asks giving her puppy dog eyes "of course baby i think i can handle these two lazy bums" Ariana looks at her children who were both cuddled up watching Leo's favourite movie. "thats adorable" "thank you" he smiles giving her a lot of kisses.

He walks over to his babies and gives them a kiss making Minnie smile.

Ariana placed her laptop down and walked to the door thinking Dalton was home and missed him loads. However she found her brother with a bag. "hey" she yawns "Hey sis its very quiet" he asks "they watching movies"

"how was your honey moon" Ariana asks sitting on the sofa. "it was amazing" Frankie smiles.

"what you do to your arm" Frankie asks "Dalton threw me off the bed" Ariana hands Leo a snack. "you two back at it" he asks making her roll her eyes "i mean i guess we have been at it recently but he had a nightmare and flung me across the room." Ariana pouts.

"i need a wee" Minnie hands Ariana Leo. "okay baby" Ariana smiles sitting Leo back up and rubbing his back "he has grown so much in a week" Frankie smiles "He has he said his first word the other day. He said dada" Ariana smiles.

"dada" Leo beams making Ariana smiles "where is he he never leaves your sight" He asks confused "he went out with some friends. Im a nice wife and let my husband leave" she rolls her eyes.

"frankie mummy and daddy make baby" Minnie smiles "no were not" she rolls her eyes "i want a baby sister" she whines "Minnie we have told you no or at least not right now" Ariana tells her making her pout.

"and you love Leo he is your brother."

"dont you want another" Frankie asks "were not set on another. Its nice just having the two" Ariana smiles. "babe" Dalton comes through the door "yes" Ariana asks looking up. "i cut my hand" he pouts.

"want your nephew" Ariana hands Frankie Leo. "what you do" Ariana stands up grabbing a cloth to cover it. "I fell off my skateboard and landed on glass" he whines as she cleans him up. "my little baby" she smiles giving him a kiss. "its all clean now" she smiles bandaging him up. "thank you" he smiles. "your welcome handsome" she smiles giving him a hug.

"Mummy i fell in the toilet" Minnie pouts "naked baby" Dalton cheers picking her up for a snuggle. "come on lets go get you clean" Ariana takes her "how about a shower with mummy" Ariana suggests making her nod smiling. "okay mummy will be up soon okay" Ariana places her down making her nod running up the stairs.

"i have to go shower with my little girl" Ariana tells her brother "okay" Frankie smiles "Ill give this one some more cuddles and get off" he adds.

Ariana walks up to the bathroom and turned on the shower and Minnie smiles stepping in. "its cold" Minnie jumps out. "sorry baby. Daddy must have had a cold one this morning" Ariana turns the heat up undressing.

Ariana climbs in and Minnie smiles taking her hand. "your cute" "i know mummy" Minnie sits down making Ariana chuckle "were in the shower not the bath" "sit with me" Ariana sat down instantly.

Dalton said bye to Frankie before walking up to the bathroom after hearing a giggles from both his girls. Leo was in his bouncer having the time of his life with his toys. He enters the bathroom and smiles at his girls sat on the shower floor splashing each other.

"hey girls" Dalton smiles. "hi daddy" Minnie smiles cuddling into her mummy. "he is allowed to see my naked baby" Ariana chuckles "not around me" Minnie shakes her head. "babe leave" Ariana chuckles. "okay" he pouts leaving his girls alone.

"you comfy there" Ariana asks making Minnie nod against her chest.

Ariana walks down falling into Dalton's lap. "you okay" He asks rubbing her back. "I is drained" she mumbles. "go up to bed angel" He sits her up slightly. "i want to cuddle" "okay" he smiles carrying her up the stairs. Dalton climbs into bed with her letting her cuddle into him. "i love you angel. Im not going anywhere ill be here all night"

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