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"babe" Ariana sniffs walking into his arms making him jump not expecting anyone to be awake. "sorry i was listening to music while cleaning" He looks at her rubbing her back. "i sick again" she pouts. "oh baby girl." He pouts kissing her head. "can you do something for me" He asks "no" she shakes her head. "babe we need to see if you are" he pouts rubbing her back.

"I don't want it to show up as negative" she pouts. "Babe if it does we try. you have been extra wanting me this past week and a bit you never know baby" He kissing her head "i was just horny alright" she pouted. "Yeah your 100% pregnant" He drags her to the bathroom.

"i was horny so im pregnant" she asks grabbing a test. "Hey i know what you were like when you were pregnant last time" he states making her giggle "yeah okay i was different back then" she pouts. "just pee on the god damn stick will you" he chuckles

"i mean why do i have the pleasure of you practically sat on my knee while i have a pee" she asks "want me to leave" "no" "then shut up then" he chuckles making her whine kicking him. "your so mean to me" he pouts.

"im you wife" she giggles standing up and placing the stick on the side and flushing the toilet. "so that means you can be mean to me" he asks "yeah" she nodded. "can you not pick that up" Dalton asks to the toilet roll which she had dropped on the floor. "nope may be carrying a baby" she leans against the side making Dalton lean over and pick it up. Ariana smiles pinching his butt making Dalton roll his eyes lifting up hitting his head.

"no baby" Ariana stopped instantly. "are you okay" he hugs him. "im fine" he smiles "okay" she giggles. "do you even care" he asks "yeah of course" she nodded. "need your head to make me feel good" she giggles "are you trying to make me hard so you can hop on it or what" he asks "nah just having some jun with my man" she smiles leaning up to give him a kiss.

"okay so now im going to be sick" he chuckles "yeah" she nodded. "okay its been three minutes" she looks making her smile. Dalton takes it off her and smiles. "We having another baby" he holds her rubbing her back. "but fuck if this aint a boy im never having sex with you ever again" He states. "okay" Ariana pouts. "why do i have to get punished" she asks "because i dont want 3 sassy ariana's around this place. I need a boy" he states.

"please be a boy mummy needs some loving from daddy every now and then" she looks at her tummy. "come on lets go wake Minnie up before she drives us mad tonight when her mama wants some loving and daddy wants to go sleep" he looks to Ariana. "mummy want no loving tonight thank you" she states. "okay good daddy needs his sleep" he yawns.

"your a cutie" she smiles squeezing his cheeks. "what are you my girlfriend" he asks "i have a ring on i think your my husband" she shrugs. "okay your being so annoying today" he places her down.

"Minnie beautiful" Dalton coos. "no daddy" she rolls over. "come on baby mummy make you some cheesy pasta because you wanted that before" he suggests. "no i want noodles" "okay we can make you noodles" Ariana smiles making Minnie roll off the bed and walk into Ariana's arms. Ariana picks her up and Minnie holds onto her. "your a sleepy princess" Ariana coos rubbing her back.

"what do you want on your noodles" Ariana asks "cheese" Minnie beams before resting her head back on her shoulder. Ariana nodded taking her to the kitchen. Ariana grabs the noodles and placed them in a pan.

"Minnie beautiful your going to have to go down baby" Ariana pouts. "no" she grips tighter. "Babe ill make it" Dalton says "No!" Minnie kicks him. "HEY!" Ariana shouts. "no kicking in this house" Ariana warns her putting her down.

"you okay" Ariana asks Dalton making him nod. "im fine baby" he kisses her head climbing over Minnie who was now sat on the floor crying.

"Hello my babies" Joan smiles walking in making Minnie stand up and run over. "You get back here now!" Ariana warns her "no!" Dalton comes past picking her up carrying her to the step. "you can stay there"

"whats she done" Joan asks confused. "kicked me and was horrible to me about me cooking food" Dalton says. "oh"

"what you doing here mum I thought you didn't get back till tomorrow" Ariana asks getting some cheese out. "nope today and I misses my babies" she pouts.
"mummy daddy" Minnie sniffles.

Dalton bends down and Minnie wraps her little arms around him. "sorry" she sniffs. "thats better" he smiles kissing her head. "pee pee" she adds "okay come on then" he carries her off to the potty.

Dalton gets a sticker ready for her while she washed her hand. "no me naughty" she shook her head pushing his hand away.

"Ari she won't take the sticker because she naughty" Dalton pouts. "Minnie princess" Ariana asks "yes" she asks walking over.

"you used the toilet like a big girl" she asks making her nod. "then you deserve the sticker baby." She placed it on her teeshirt. "go show nonna" Ariana smiles making Minnie run back over.

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