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time jump. (6 months later)

"Happy new year gorgeous" Dalton smiles resting his hands on her butt "happy new year handsome" she smiles pouting her lips for a kiss. Dalton smiles happily leaning down and planting his lips on hers. "woah don't get too carried away here" he pulls away. "mmmm i need you" she gently pushes her hand into his pants and gently rubbed his length. Dalton bit his lip feeling everything she was doing. "Hey Ariana" Joan walks into the room making them quickly jump back into reality and Ariana remove her hand from his pants. Dalton looks down and frowns. "Hi mum whats up" she asks smiling at her. "happy new you you two" she smiles at them. "this year is going to be good for you both i see it right now" "aww we hope so too for our babies too" Dalton smiles "okay well i need to go to the toilet ill be back soon" Dalton unwraps himself from Ariana and wonders off. "im going to go check on my babies" Ariana smiles making Joan nod.

Ariana opens the bathroom door and locks it behind her. "hey handsome" She smiles making him turn around. "damn that was awkward" he pouts making her nod. "come here ill help" she smiles bending down in front of him. "are you su- okay" He smiles looking down at her watching what she was doing.

"Nona" Minnie mumbles holding her blanket. "Hi baby" Joan picks her up for a cuddle. "Where mummy me had scary dream" Minnie rubs her eyes. "im not sure baby i thought she went to check on you" Joan rubs her back. "daddy?" Minnie mumbles. "he went to the bathroom baby" making Joan roll her eyes. "mummy lied" Minnie giggles. "they both in the bathroom" Minnie giggles going to her feet and walking off.

"Mummy" Ariana hears a little knock on the door. Ariana opens the door for her and smiles at her baby. "oh" Minnie looks around. "daddy use another bathroom" Minnie asks confused. "he was just in here baby but mummy needed to pee so mummy stayed in here. are you okay" Ariana asks confused.
"i told nona i had a bad dream but i heard a thud and thought Leo hurt himself" Minnie pouts "but he is okay he is snuggling his blanket in bed asleep" Minnie smiles making Ariana nod picking her up for a cuddle.

Ariana walks out and Joan smiles. "Dalton is looking for you" Frankie tells Minnie. "i here" Minnie rests her head on her mums shoulder. "Its okay we will go find him now" Ariana smiles walking around to find him.

"hi baby" Ariana smiles to Dalton. "I got told this one was looking for us" He takes Minnie. "she came to the bathroom and found me" Ariana smiles making him nod "should we get you back to sleep" Dalton asks making Minnie nod placing her thumb in her mouth. "Minnie what have we said about that" Dalton asks making her whine half asleep.

They both walk up the stairs and Ariana peels her sheets back as Dalton placed Minnie down who was already asleep. "good night angel"

Dalton woke up and stretched accidentally hitting Ariana. He was used to her already being out the bed by the time he woke up. "good morning to you too" Ariana pouts yawning. "im sorry baby im used to have the whole bed to myself when i wake up" he hugs her giving her some kisses. "well no one has woken my up yet" she snuggles into him. "i never get morning cuddles with you anymore can i start waking you up at 5am for a cuddle" she asks looking at him. "if you really want to baby. I honestly don't mind as long as your happy" he rubs her back gently making her smile. "i think my mum knew we went to the bathroom together" Ariana giggles. "yeah she isnt stupid" Dalton gives her a kiss. "but we have been together and have kids for a while i don't think she could say anything"

"yeah she just knows where ever you go i go." she giggles. "you do. I never have to come find you your always following me or sat at your desk" he smiles "i mean or im with the kids" she states. "yeah and that" he smiles.

"MAMA" Leo cries for her making Ariana sit up and walk to his room opening the door and finding him sat up. He beams into a smile when he sees her holding his arms out for her. "come on then. Lets get you up and ready for the day" she smiles carrying him to the changing table and changing his bum tickling his tummy to stop him kicking his legs so much.

Dalton walks in and over to them both. "hey handsome" Dalton smiles. "ba" Leo squeaks crying to wiggle away from his mama who was trying to get him dressed.

"wiggle bum" Dalton takes him "fine you get him dressed" Ariana throws the top at him walking away. Dalton frowns finishing getting him changed and carrying him down the stairs. "i guess you want to feed him too" Ariana hands him the bottle. "babe what if wrong" Dalton asks confused. "nothing" She smiles walking up the stairs to Minnie's room and waking her up.

"mummy" Minnie smiles climbing off the bed. "you woke up happy i like it" she smiles. "i had a dream that you and daddy took me on holiday" Minnie takes her hand. "im sure mummy and daddy could make it happen" Ariana tells her "Daddy" Minnie smiles running down the stairs. "yes" he asks smiling. "mummy said we can go on holiday" Minnie smiles. "oooo where we going" He asks looking up. "we can decide that later" Ariana smiles giving him a kiss "we can talk after ive been to work okay. i have a client today" he smiles making her nod.

"oh daddy go work" Minnie asks "yes but mummy is taking you shopping" He smiles. "yay" Minnie cheers. "my card is over there" he looks to Ariana. "hey i have money" she pouts. "yeah a hell of a lot more than me but i want to spoil her please" he asks "2 shops" she sighs making him nod.

"does this mean i can buy myself something" she asks him. "mhm if you want to" he smiles "my girls and son deserved all the treats in the world."he smiles "okay thank you" she smiles giving him a kiss.

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