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"Minnie" Ariana whines waking up seeing her cuddled next to her. "Dalton" Ariana shakes him. "why do i have Minnie next to me" she asks confused "no idea" He looks at her before shuffling back onto the bed since he was falling off slightly.

"i really don't want to wake her up but she is taking the whole bed" Ariana pouts. "move her into the middle of us that was she isnt going to punch her brother is she rolls over" Dalton sighs.

Ariana climbs off the bed gently pushing Minnie over before climbing back in and checking on Leo. "is he okay" Dalton asks "mhm he is fine" Ariana yawns "hey i miss your cuddles already" she whines.

Ariana sat up slightly lifting her top up and helping Leo attach to her nipple. She feels Minnie move making her looks down to her. "Hey hey" Ariana taps her feeling her beginning to kick. "is Leo okay" Minnie panics. "Leo is completely fine baby girl. He is having s feed right now" she whispers since Dalton was still asleep.

"Why are you in our bed princess" Ariana asks "I wanted to be close to my brother" she looks down "okay baby" She smiles looking at the time.

"Is he asleep still" Minnie asks "mhm he is. When you feed them during the night they still partially asleep" She looks at her. "oh okay"

"are you going back to sleep" Ariana asks "Me not tired" Minnie shakes her head making Ariana nod gently winding him before she climbed off the bed "come on then" Ariana smiles carrying her boy down with her girl following her.

"mummy tired" Minnie asks "mummy is exhausted baby"  Ariana yawns placing him down in his basket. "mummy go sleep" she asks grabbing a blanket and throwing it onto her. "mummy stay awake to keep you from hurting yourself" Ariana tickles her making her pout climbing next to her. "me cuddle mummy and no move" Minnie suggests. "and if you need a drink" "me wake daddy" Minnie giggles. "oh so daddy is allowed no sleep?" Ariana asks making her nod. "I heard my name" Dalton asks. "daddy tell mummy to go sleep" Minnie asks standing up to give him a hug.

"babe take a nap" He asks her making her whine "im staying here then" she lays down making Minnie smile. "have you eaten" he asks Minnie making her shake her head.

"come on then" he picks her up "fruit" Minnie asks "okay but have some toast as well so you don't get hungry" he asks making her shake her head. "what about some of mummy's yougurt" he asks making her nod with a smile.

"then remind daddy later to add it to the shopping list" he takes a mental note. he hands minnie her breakfast and Minnie smiles. "thank you daddy" Minnie smiles. "your welcome" he smiles going to get Leo since he heard him whining a little.

"me hold" Minnie asks. "eat some more breakfast please then you can hold" he smiles patting his back lightly making him stretch his little arms. "your little fists make my heart melt. little one" he whispers. Since he was a tiny baby smaller than Minnie everything about him was so small to the fact they had to buy more clothes because he didn't fit into anything.

"daddy going to make you be against your mummy and sister half the time so i have some help when they being sassy pants" he smiles holding him up to give him a kiss. "im not sassy" Minnie looks up. "your just like your mother" he looks at her. "okay" she smiles.

"im going to pee daddy be back soon" Minnie runs off making him chuckle. "and she says she isn't sassy" he looks at his son.

Dalton picked up his phone seeing his sister had messaged him. "now she wants to meet you." she looks at him. "i best go wake your mummy shouldn't i so she can come meet you" he smiles walking into the living room and bending down to give her a kiss.

"am i allowed to be awake now" she asks "tori wants to meet him since the other day friends were more important. and i missed you so i decided i would wake you" he smiles helping her up.

"daddy" Minnie runs down "yes" he asks "i pooped" she pouts making him nod. "be back soon Leo" He placed him back down in his basket making him cry. "aww baby he wants his daddy" Ariana stands up going with Minnie.

Dalton picks Leo back up and snuggles him making him smile on his shoulder. "ohh a daddy's boy already." He smiles rubbing his back. "you going to be okay if i go shower with this little one" Ariana asks "mhm go get clean up my girls" he smiles making Ariana smile taking Minnie's hand.

Ariana takes her to the bathroom and turns on the shower. "why we having a shower mummy" Minnie asks "because mummy wants a shower and you want to be with me so you can have a shower with mummy." Ariana smiles helping her in.

"daddy's" she asks holding up a bottle. "mhm that's daddy stuff. Me and daddy share the same shower" she smiles grabbing her shampoo and rubbing some into her hair. "together" Minnie asks "sometimes" she nodded. "but mostly alone"

"me rinse" she asks standing under the water making Ariana nod doing her own hair. "all gone" Minnie claps making Ariana smiles rinsing her hair out. Ariana squirts some shower gel on a scrub and hands it to Minnie. "clean your body" Ariana tells her finishing her own hair. "mummy need" Minnie asks making Ariana nod cleaning her body. "all done" Minnie asks "mhm all done"

Ariana wraps her self in a towel and a hair towel before doing the same to Minnie making Minnie smile. "twins" She smiles. "we sure are. come on lets go get dressed Aunty Tori is coming to meet your baby brother" "she see me" Minnie asks "mhm she sure will"

Ariana takes her to her closet and picks out a little playsuit for her to wear. "what mummy wear" Minnie asks following her back to her room. "mummy wear leggings and a baggy top so i can feed your little brother" Ariana smiles quickly getting changed before helping Minnie. "princess" Minnie smiles at her underwear. "of course. now your being a big girl and wearing underwear" Ariana smiles giving her a kiss.

"heres some little ankle socks to keep your feet nice and warm" Ariana pinches her thighs making her giggle. "mummy ready" making Ariana nod picking her up and carrying her down the stairs.

"hey beautiful" Tori smiles making Minnie smile skipping over to her sitting next to her since she was cuddling Leo.

Dalton walks over to his wife pulling her into a hug. "you need some food baby you look drained" he rubs her back "bitch eat" Tori looks at her. "not around the little ones" Dalton pouts. "they have no help around you two"

"come on ill make you some food and sit with you" He takes her hand pulling her into the kitchen. "i don't want to eat" she sniffles. "babe your breast feeding you need to eat for your boy. Or im changing him on to bottles and it will break my heart to do that to you" he rubs her back making her some coffee and toast. "noo im finding Leo" Ariana whines "got to start eating correctly then. I care about you Ariana and if you don't eat your going to end up sick and i dont want a sick wife around i love you too much to see you in pain" he pouts making her pout back.

He hands her the plate with the toast on and her coffee sitting down next to her. "i want oatmeal" she pouts. "ugh fine" He rolls his eyes standing back up to make her some oatmeal "love you" she mumbles. "i love you more" he smiles.

Once he had made her oatmeal he sat back down eating the toast he made for her since it was going free.

"sorry im grumpy" She looks up to him. "its okay baby. You can't help it" he stands up placing the plate into the sink ready to wash later. "but it makes you sad" she stands up wrapping her arms around him. "it doesn't make me sad baby because you still tell me you love me and kiss me even when your s grumpy ass because i know you love me." he smiles making her smiles leaning up to give him a kiss. 

They both walk into the living room to find Tori changing Leo's bum. "you shouldn't have" Ariana pouted "i changed Minnie bum plenty of times I know what i'm doing" She chuckles.

"mummy i want to see my friends" Minnie asks "not till Monday baby. then your back in nursery" Ariana pouted. "oh okay" she smiles Ariana takes Leo from tori lifting up her top seeing if he needed a feed since she didnt want him going hungry at all through out the day and it was about time for his nap.

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