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"come here then Minnie if you want these on" Ariana smiles. "Will they fit me" Minnie asks confused "they should do baby got them specially made for you" she smiles helping her into her Christmas pyjamas. "daddy not come say night night" Minnie frowns. "you want to go sleep?" Ariana asks "but Santa needs to come" Minnie looks up to her.

"You can stay up a little longer baby it's okay." Ariana picks her up making her smile. "want some socks on so your little feet don't get cold" Ariana asks holding her foot. "please mummy fluffy ones" she beams making Ariana smile looking for some.

Dalton enters the room making them both look up. "i thought she was going night night with you taking so long" He pouted. "no were just being slow" Ariana giggles.

Minnie holds her arms out making Dalton take her of Ariana. "i not go sleep without you goodnight kisses anyway" she says sassily making him look at Ariana. "Hey don't blame me" they walk downstairs.

"Dalton sat down letting Minnie get comfy. "mummy" Minnie pats making Frankie shuffle up a little but allowing Ariana to sit next to her. "normal cuddling position" She asks "your being awkward" Ariana lifts her up to sit on Dalton but not actually sat on him her legs across his lap where Minnie could sit in between them.

"who's knee is she sat on" Joan asks "Mine" Dalton smiles. "I get everyone on me in this house" he smiles "Christmas movie" Minnie asks "Sure"

"Bed time" Ariana looks to Minnie who was falling asleep in Dalton's arms. "daddy" she moans making him chuckle standing up. "anyone you want a cuddle off before you go sleep" Ariana asks "grandma" Dalton put her down and Minnie goes and hugs Verna. "sweet dreams." Then to Joan making Joan smile. "Night" Minnie stands up walking back to Dalton. Dalton smiles picking her up walking upstairs with Ariana.

Ariana pulled back the sheets and Dalton placed her down tucking her in. "good night angel" Ariana smiles giving her a kiss. "love you mummy" she yawns "I love you too" Ariana smiles. "Good night princess get some good sleep okay" Dalton asks making Minnie nod closing her eyes.

They both leave the room and Minnie calls for Ariana. "whats wrong baby" Ariana asks "What if Santa doesn't come mummy" She sniffs. "shhh its going to be okay. I know santa will come you have been amazing this year"

"Is she okay" Dalton asks "Mhm she worried Santa thought she was a naughty girl because she annoys us" Ariana frowns. "what an angel"

"should we set her gifts up now" Verna asks "umm at least let her get to sleep." Dalton asks. "Bed baby" Ariana frowns seeing a teary Minnie. "Come on mummy go sleep with you" Ariana smiles picking her up and carrying her to her room. "mummy daddy bed" "mhm still need daddy in bed with me when he comes to sleep" Ariana lays down letting Minnie cuddle her.

"No even goodnight kiss" Frankie jokes. "Trust me she will be back down in 20 minutes" Dalton replies and he was right. "Hey" Ariana smiles sitting down. "your not sleeping tonight" She looks at him. "ill sleep on you if i have to" "erm no ill sleep on you then" She rolls her eyes.

"how they make it when they have kids in the bed i don't know" Dakota laughs. "We have self control" Ariana pouts. "this one sleeps half the time" He looks to Ariana "being a mummy and a wife and keeping on top of everything is tiring" she yawns snuggling into him. "go up to sleep beautiful its okay" Dalton tells her. "Not without you im not" she mumbles. "i guess were going to be leaving you" Dalton stood up. "Hey why you leaving because she is tired" Tori frowns. "it will be something they do every-night Tori. Couples tend to go to bed together when they can and there in love"

Dalton said goodnight before carrying Ariana up to bed. "i wish i could cuddle you" He frowns Ariana jumped on the bean bag making him roll his eyes climbing on next to her. "I guess we can cuddle here" He smiles kissing her.

"im so tired baby" Ariana pushes his hand away. "im not touching you" He asks confused making Ariana sit up. "stupid hand" she threw it to the floor "shh baby don't wake our baby up" he looks over. "not her having out bed to herself"

"i have a cuddle idea" He stands up taking her hand and walking back to the bed. He gently pushes Minnie to Ariana's side and Ariana climbs in and he climbs in behind Ariana cuddling Minnie while Dalton cuddled them both. "this is a much better idea"

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