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"babe its 5am what are you doing awake" Dalton yawns coming down the stairs walking into the kitchen. "Getting everything ready for the day" She smiles making him pout walking over to her. "you don't need to wake up at 5am to do this baby. Your not in your 20s any more the kids tire you out you need to sleep" he sighs. "babe im fine ill have a nap later if i need to" she smiles giving him a kiss.

"you dont need to have the kids awake till 7 you have two hours" He asks really confused "okay i lie" Ariana picks up Leo. "he is awake" Dalton asks making Ariana nod "been awake since 4 he wont go back to sleep. Ive tried getting in his bed with him. Bath since he liked them to go to sleep after. Cuddles" she pouts.

"why you lie to me" He asks confused. "because one of us needs sleep" Ariana pouts. "and i dont want you to get mad at him" She adds. "you get annoyed when our babies wake me up for a stupid reason" making him pout. "im sorry. I just know you get run down easily and i hate when your grumpy and sad because you need sleep" he took Leo out of her arms.

"have you actually slept at all tonight you woke me at 3 because i rolled over" He asks "not a good sleep but ive have a few hours" She grabbed a drink. "go back to bed baby ill stay with this one" Dalton tells her "okay"

"babe?" Ariana walks around the house checking every single room. "DALTON" She calls still no reply making her look outside seeing his car was gone it was 11am now so Minnie would have been at school while.

She walks back to the bedroom picking up her phone and called him. "hey gorgeous" He picked up straight away almost. "Where are you?" she frowns. "at work" He pouts. "and our son" She asks confused. "With me." "want me to come get him" Ariana ass confused. "if you want to but i honestly don't mind him here he is being such a big help" he smiles. "i love you" Ariana smiles "i love you too"

Ariana put her phone down going to get changed.

Ariana walked into his office and Leo toddled over to her falling over a few times before he reached her. "Hello gorgeous" Dalton smiles as she picked up Leo. "do this mean our little helper is going back to mummy" Ariana hears making her giggle. "it does" she nodded walking over to Dalton siting on his knee.

"that house is nice" Ariana smiles at the screen "no were not buying a house" He rolls his eyes turning off the screen. "are you wanting to pick Minnie up" Dalton asks "mhm please" she begs making him nod "thats fine." he gave her a kiss. "love you be safe" He rubs her back. "love you too" she stood up leaving him to work.

"okay where should we go" Ariana asks him making Leo shake his head. "want to go see if we can find you any toys at home" she asks making him smile. "i guess home it is then"

"mummy" Minnie jumps into her arms. "Hi my girl" Ariana tightly holds her. "how was your day" Ariana beams "good. I learnt so much stuff mummy" Minnie smiles "oh wow come on lets get back to the car and home" Ariana smiles carrying her to the car and placing her in. "where is Leo mummy" She asks confused. "Daddy got him at home"

"I miss Daisy mama" Minnie pouts. "Want me to get in touch with her mummy" Ariana asks making her nod. "maybe she can come for a sleepover sometime" Ariana smiles. "yay."

"I love my other friends too" She smiles "good"

Ariana pulls up at home and they both go inside. Minnie jumps out the way as Leo came running towards then clearly wanting Ariana. Ariana picks him up giving him some kisses. "where is daddy baby" Leo shrugs making Ariana walk around trying to find him. "babe im here" Dalton chuckles making her jump. "i was about to get mad you left my toddler alone with all this stuff around" She giggles giving him a kiss. "yeah you really caused a mess today" He looks at her. "do you want to keep this lifestyle up" she asks. "im joking" He hugs her. "i put it all away for you and listened to some" she adds. "babe" she hides her head. "you know i get all shy" "mhm exactly so i have to listen when your not there" he smiles. "its a good job i love you"

"of course mummy loves daddy stupid" Minnie rolls her eyes. "Ugh shes a mini Ariana god help me" Dalton notices. "and don't say stupid again its not nice" he adds. "She never lets you go silly" Minnie joins in the family hug.

"sassy pants" Ariana chuckles.

"why you feeling my butt" Ariana asks Minnie. "Its squishy" she giggles. "i squish you in a minute" Ariana pouts making Minnie hide behind Dalton pushing her head through his legs. "what are you being taught in school" Dalton asks "how to annoy mummy and daddy" she giggles running away.

"Ugh i dont like the school age" Dalton whines as Ariana put Leo down. "MINNIE" Ariana calls "No mummy" she shouts back. "babe dont get mad" "MINNIE GET HERE Now" dalton groans as Ariana takes his hand. "but she is being a brat" "yes mummy" Minnie asks crossing her legs. "go toilet baby its okay" Ariana pouts making Minnie run back off.

"sometimes you have to give them time baby" Ariana lets go walking after Minnie. "Ariana baby" Dalton asks "yes" She asks smiling "im sorry" he smiles making her nod.

"you okay princess" Ariana asks "mhm" Minnie climbs onto the stool to wash her hands. "i didnt mean to annoy you mummy" Minnie frowns. "Its okay baby." Ariana rubs her back. "I good girl" she nodded "you are" "we cute" Minnie looks in the mirror.

"we are cute"

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