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"babe" Ariana asks confused putting her bag down after the original gasp of seeing the place and walking around trying to find him in dim light. "babe my eye sight is shit come help me" she whines making him walk out to her. "what is this all about" She asks smiling taking the flowers hugging them. "i love you so much" she smiles "i love you too" he hugs her. "are the kids asleep" She asks. "Leo is fast asleep" He smiles. "and 'Minnie is watching a movie tucked up in bed because she said she wanted me to make you happy" he smiles.

"bless her" Ariana smiles. "can i go give her a good night kiss" she pouted. "of course i have food ready for you too when you get back" he smiles making her smile walking off up to Minnie's bedroom. "hey angel" Ariana smiles perching next to her. "mummy your supposed to be with daddy" Minnie sits up slightly. "mummy wanted to come give you a good night kiss" Ariana gives her a kiss.

"daddy worked so hard mummy to make this happen. I helped him too. I even gave him permission to give you thousands of kisses" she giggles "wow thank you baby" Ariana hugs her before tucking her back into bed. "can i have another movie after this one" she asks "of course angel. You know how to work it right?" Ariana asks making her nod. "thank you love you"

Ariana walks down the stairs and sat down on the chair he had pulled for her. "why are you crying" Dalton bends down in front of her taking her hand. "because i love you. you went to all this to make me happy. it means a lot" she sniffs. "babe i love you. I always want to make you happy. Its hard with the babies but i always try do stuff but sometimes i stop myself because your exhausted" he gives her a kiss.

Dalton hands her some pasta and Ariana pouted. "why do we get different" she asks "because your diet is different to mine" he takes her hand making her pout. "I want your food" she whines "okay ill share" he rolls his eyes feeding her making her smile. "so how was your girls day" he asks "it was amazing. we had a shopping spree had lunch and watched a movie" She beams making him smile. "so you had fun" "mhm we talked about you a lot too" she giggles. "you do that anyway" 

"i got a new tat too" she beams "of" he smiles making her lift up her top and pull down her jeans slightly for her hip. "is that my initials in a heart" he asks "mhm" she nodded. "i thought you said you would never get a tattoo related to me" he asks "i changed my mind" she giggles. "is it sore" "yes but its okay" she giggles. "did my brother do it" he asks making Ariana nod. "most awkward thing ive ever had to do" she pouts. "i wanted it under my boob but i didnt want to show him my boobs" she giggles. "then Courtney suggested that it would be cute on my hip" she smiles. "it does look cute" he nodded gently brushing a finger along it. "he always said did my brother pick your underwear out" she giggles "i did though so i guess he knows my taste" he pouts. "you did" she questions "mhm i swaps them from what you picked out" making her smile. "thats cute"

"are you finished eating my angel" he asks making her nod smiling leaning to give him a kiss. "fuck the plate" he picks her up making her wrap herself around him. "how sleepy are you" he questions "i want this as bad as you your fine"

Minnie climbed off her bed walking down the stairs and opening the fridge for a drink. She grabs her stool and reaches up for a cup pouting some juice. Ariana turns the light on and jumps as she sees Minnie. Minnie put the carton down and drank up a little bit. "you okay angel" Ariana asks making her nod "i thirsty" "okay baby" Ariana smiles grabbing some water. "mummy has no clothes on under that. I saw your boobies" Minnie giggles. "shush you" Ariana chuckles hugging her "come on we need to go back to sleep" Ariana let out a yawn picking her up resting her on her hip. "mummy mad" Minnie asks "no baby mummy not mad but there was some fruit juice in a bottle in the fridge you could have had to make it easier for you" she kisses the side of her head. "oh i not see"

Ariana places her back down into bed giving her some kisses "goodnight angel"

"good morning" Ariana mumbles feeling Dalton rub her back. "Good morning baby" he smiles "thank you for such an amazing night" Ariana smiles. "dont thank me" he smiles "no morning sex" she taps his hand away. "i just love your ass" he pouted making her giggles. "well its time we get out of bed" Ariana sat up climbing off the bed and going to get some clothes.

"hey can i see you butt naked one more time" Dalton runs after her. "happy now" she asks "mhm much" he smiles helping her change. "minnie was awake when i went to get a drink in the middle of the night" Ariana looks to Dalton. "doing" he asks confused. "making herself a drink" "she is getting too big i dont like it" he whines "I HEAR MY BOY" Ariana runs out the room dashing to Leo's room picking him up for a cuddle.

"Mummy misses you so much yesterday" Ariana coos kissing him all over making him giggle.

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