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Dalton walked back into the room giving her a kiss. "better?" he asks "no" she frowns "Im stuck up here all day and your so far away from me" she whined wanting cuddles from her man. "i have babies to look after angel" he took her hand. "want to come sit downstairs with us all" He asks perching next to her. "no" "i guess i'll stay up here alone" she rolled over making Dalton sigh. "don't get upset with me Ari." he rubs her back. "i want to nap" She rolled back to look at him making him nod giving her a kiss before leaving the room.

"is she okay?" Joan asks "no shes taking a nap" Dalton smiles going to make himself a drink. "daddy" Minnie took his hand "yes angel" he asks looking down to her. "can i have a snack" she asks "sure what would you like" he asks opening the cupboard and picking her up. "not then snacks daddy" she giggles making him walk into the pantry. "of course you want these snacks" he smiles handed her a muffin. "thank you daddy" Minnie smiles "your welcome princess"

"can i ask is Ariana pregnant" Tori asks "Hey you lied to me daddy and said Santa couldn't give me a baby yet" Minnie huffs. "Mummy isn't pregnant baby" he kisses her head. "oh" Minnie pouts. "and what did we tell you about that. Santa isn't in control of mummy's body" he kisses her head putting her down.

"sorry i didn't know" Tori frowns. "it's okay." he smiles giving her a hug.

Dalton feels some arms wrap around him
and he smiles turning around seeing his wife cuddled into him. "you okay?" he asks kissing her head. "i sleepy" she yawns. "why you get out of bed then angel" he asks confused. "to come see you and our babies but i couldn't find them" Ariana looks up at him. "they were watching a film before" He smiles giving her a kiss.

"on the sofa" she asks making him nod letting her go find them. Ariana climbed onto the sofa smiling at Leo and Minnie snuggled watching a movie. "hey you two" Ariana smiles climbing under the blanket with them. "mummy feel better." Minnie asks "a little bit baby me still sick though" Ariana whispers kissing her head.

Dalton walks out and smiles at them all. "Hey my babies are all cute" He smiles.

"Daddy" Minnie pouts. "whats up baby" he looks up. "mummy sleep me need to pee" Minnie frowns making Dalton stand up and helping move Ariana up  and letting her move. "Come on you lets get you back to bed" he kisses her head smiling as she got her self comfy in his arms. He placed her down on the bed tucking her in. "babe" she mumbles "yes angel" he asks "thank you" she smiles rolling into the sheets making him smile leaving her to sleep.

"thats the girl i love" he whispers.

"oh baby" Dalton sighs patting her back. "why did you force me to eat" she whines "im sorry baby i am" He scraps her hair back up. "maybe you should stop kissing me baby" she sniffs. "never" he shook his head. "kisses make you happy i get sick fuck it" he holds her. "I love you" she smiles "i love you too" he smiles snuggling her like he did with Leo obviously changing it up since she was a lot bigger. "why you looking at me like that" she asks "what" he asks "with your gooey eye" she giggles "your my girl i can look at you how i want" he smiles "i guess." she smiles sitting up lightly. "hey lets go get some sleep cuddles together just how you like" he stood up holding her. "yay finally" She smiles as he placed her on the bed.

He climbs in letting her snuggle into him. "love you"

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