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"Hi Daisy" Ariana smiles seeing a little one behind her. "Ariana" Daisy whispers. "yes" She bends down. "drink please" she asks shyly. "Of course" Ariana took her hand. "no need to be shy around me" "i i know you are" she looks down. "it why mummy freaks out sometime"

Ariana gave her a hug. "Hey still no need to he shy around me. Your my Minnie moo's best friend you make my baby happy" Ariana hands her a drink.

"hey lets be Miss confident again i like when you are sassy just like my Minnie" "really" she looks up making Ariana nod "Daisy why in my mummy lap you okay" Minnie asks walking in with a toy in her hand. "were okay aren't we" Ariana smiles making her nod.

"Daisy sleep over mummy" Minnie asks "i guess i can ask Daddy and then your mum" Ariana looks down to her making Daisy nod.

"go play you two"

Ariana walks up to find Dalton where he was bathing with his son. "Minnie wants Daisy to sleep" Ariana gives Leo a kiss. "Daisy is an angel she is so good she can stay give her parents time to do Christmas things" he smiles. "stop staring" He states. "if i must" She walks out the room.

"hey your mummy said you can stay the night" Ariana tells them making them smile "yay." "so is there any food you don't like" Ariana asks sitting down. "I want chicken mummy" Minnie asks "chicken is boring" "meatballs" Minnie "i like meatballs"

"mmm meatballs" Dalton asks "Daisy said she wouldn't mind them so I guess thats what were having" Ariana smiles putting a bit of flour on his nose making him smile. "want to help me" She asks putting a hand on his back. "not going to mess up how nice they are better be giving me double"

Minnie walks over and pushes her dads hand off Ariana's ass making her giggle. "can't get away with nothing with this one" He pouts. "naughty daddy" "could do a lot worse" he mumbles under his breath.

"I heard that so i bet she did too" Ariana hits him playfully. "whats wrong angel" "Daisy said she needed you"

"okay in coming" Ariana tells her putting everything down. "we have kids remember" Ariana looks at him when Minnie had left. "mhm i know still doesn't stop me from giving you the good stuff" "don't put it like that" she rolls her eyes.

Ariana walks up and Minnie points to the bathroom. "What happened" Ariana asks "I accident" she sniffs. "its okay accidents happen" Ariana cleans her up. "mummy be mad don't tell her" Daisy cuddles into her. "mummy wont be mad at you its just an accident baby your only just 4" "okay" She wipes her eyes. "come on lets go find you some underwear" She smiles.

"Minnie don't accident" Daisy sniffs. "she is a little older baby but she does" Ariana tells her. "she does" Daisy asks "of course she does. She is a baby just like you" Ariana smiles making her smile "there you go all clean" Ariana smiles leaving her to go play.

Ariana walks back into the kitchen and washed her hands. "She okay" Dalton asks "Yes just a little accident" Ariana smiles giving him a kiss "bless her"

"mama" Leo crawls behind her. "Hey" Ariana picks him up. "snack" She asks making him nod. "how you know" Dalton asks. "i guessed" "here you go handsome"

Dalton laid on Ariana front making her drop her phone and stroke his head messing with his hair. "you okay baby" She asks "I want attention" he mumbles "you have my attention now" She smiles "i'm comfy" "shuffle up a bit more" She asks making him bury his head into her neck. "you smell nice" he smiles. "thanks baby you smell of me" she giggles. "im never off you" he adds. "mhm you love me"

"woah you guys are cute" Tori smiles "Hey" Ariana smiles "Want to know the gender" She asks "i want alone time with my wife" Dalton whines. "Shut up you i want to know" Ariana pouts. "A girl" Tori smiles "why does everyone seem to be having girls." Dalton asks "we can't help what egg it attaches too" Ariana rolls her eyes.

"who else is here" Dalton groans pulling Ariana into him. "no one" Tori says. "im going because Dalton decides he wants to throw me out" she giggles.

"my baby" Dalton kisses her "what is wrong with you today" Ariana asks confused. "i know you love me and are always close to me but your being weird right now" "i had a bad dream about you last night" he frowns. "aww baby" Ariana gave him a kiss. "what ever it is im okay" She smiles "but my back is hurting can we move a little" she asks making him nod flipping then over so she was led on him. "love you"

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