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Ariana rolls over hearing Leo crying for her. She gently sits up picking him up lifting her top to nurse. Dalton opens his eyes and looks up at her. "you okay" he asks "mhm little one needs his mama right now thats all" she smiles down to him. "can I do anything for you" he asks sitting up "can get me a clean nappy if you really want" she smiles making him nod happily climbing off the bed for her. Dalton comes back with his changing mat and nappy's and a few wipes.

"thanks baby" Ariana smiles grabbing the Moses blanket from the headboard and sitting Leo up to burp him before changing him.

"I like these changes" Ariana smiles fastening him back up. "no kicky legs and wiggles to get in my way" she gives him a kiss before placing him back in his next to me sleeper.

"hey where you going" Dalton pouts as she climbs off the bed. "for a pee" Ariana looks at him. "okay"

Ariana woke up tucked in her husbands arms. How they still slept on each other was beyond her. She rolls over gently removing Dalton from her and sitting up to feed Leo. Ariana was now getting him into a routine to make their life easier. Dalton feels around grabbing her thigh. "babe go back to sleep i already know its early" he yawns. "I'm okay baby" she takes his hand.

Ariana winds Leo before putting him back down for a sleep since it wasn't time for him to wake up right now. "go back to sleep my handsome man" She gives Dalton a kiss making him smile into the pillow.

Ariana walks downstairs making her self a coffee letting her doggies out. Time to her self was rare now so when she got it she took advantage of it. Silence was nice to hear at this time of the morning.

She decided to go have a shower and get clean since she wouldn't have time to do it when Minnie and Leo was awake since Minnie was her little follower and Leo was always throwing up on her and dribbling over her. She washed her hair and scrubbed her body before she climbed out getting changed into some sweats and a hoodie.

Dalton walks down the stairs with Leo in his arms and Ariana smiles looking at her boys. "lazy bum not up yet" Dalton asks seeing Ariana was still alone. Every morning Ariana was awake around 7am depending on when Leo woke up. Then Dalton came down an hour later with Leo and Minnie was normally awake by this time. "no i went to check on her about 10 minutes ago and she is sound asleep. I took a photo" Ariana grabs the phone from the side showing him. "oh she isn't half her mama" he smiles. "Leo wants food" Dalton hands him over.

"how has your morning been" Dalton asks sitting next to her. "its been good. I got some cleaning and some house work done had a shower and got everything i needed done even washed my hair" she rolls her eyes resting her head on his shoulder as Leo had his feed. "no album work it comes out soon. I don't want you stressing your self out about it" He asks

"I'm trying baby. Its just hard right now Im a mummy to a toddler and a baby they need me I need them" she pouts making him smile. "hey" they hear a sleepy Minnie behind them. "press the button baby" Dalton chuckles standing up to go help her with the baby gate. "why it not work" Minnie frowns. "This button here opens it" he points making Minnie nod.

"good morning princess" he smiles picking her up Minnie instantly rested her head on his shoulder. "we have a very sleepy girl today" He pouts rubbing her back. "guess we will have a snuggly kind of day then" Ariana smiles placing Leo on his play mat.

Minnie climbs over to Ariana and gives her a cuddle. "i love you" Minnie smiles. "I love you more" Ariana smiles "its daddy time to play with my boy" Dalton smiles getting onto the floor and playing with Leo. "daddy do this with me" Minnie asks "mhm all the time" Ariana smiles Minnie climbs down and sits on the other side of Leo giving him a kiss. "someone loves their brother" Dalton smiles playing with both his kids.

"Hey baby its time for his first full nap of the day you ready or you want me to bottle" Dalton asks looking at her tucked into her laptop working. "no no ive got it. Mummy loves feeding her boy" Ariana smiles taking him. "you can come with me though" she smiles making his pout turn into a smile. "kind of wish i had the boobs so i could experience what you get to experience." He pouts following her.

Dalton sat down first before letting Ariana's sit on his knee. "mummy he need this" Minnie comes in with his blanket. "thanks princess" Ariana smiles taking it off her. Ariana lifts up her top letting him feed. "You would give him your boob any time of the day wouldn't you" Dalton smiles. "mhm always going to offer him milk never know if he is hungry or not don't want him to be hungry" Ariana smiles. "but i tend to know how it goes now" she looks at him.

"when he wakes up at 8. i tend to give him his full feed. Then at nap time its like a top up and thag little extra help to get him to sleep. Then when he wakes up ill offer it and he wont take a lot and then after that the next feed will be his full feed again" Ariana smiles. "your so cute" He smiles looking at her.

"sleep well Leo" Ariana smiles placing him down leaving him to nap. "i found a great wife and a great mummy im the luckiest man ever" he beams picking her up spinning her around. "im lucky i found you" she smiles "my children have the best daddy in the world." she pecks his lips.

"hey daddy" Minnie asks "yes angel" Dalton asks putting the brush down. "can we go in the pool" She asks taking his hand. "of course we can" He smiles taking her up to get into a swim suit while he went to get some shorts.

"do i need these" Minnie asks to her floats. "if you want them. But daddy help you if you dont want them" he smiles taking her hand. "where you two going the beach" Ariana questions. "no just the pool" he smiles "oh i wish i could come" she frowns. "its okay. One of us has to be on the listen for Leo and you have album work to do." he gives her a kiss. "I know i just miss my girl right now. I feel like ive been working all the time and not been playing with her as much as i would"

"its okay mummy" Minnie smiles making Ariana give her a kiss. "come on" Dalton smiles taking her outside to the pool. Dalton climbs in before extending his arms out for Minnie. Minnie wraps her little arms around him and smiles as she entered the water.

"i like my floaties" Minnie smiles kicking her legs. "they are adorable" he nodded at the pony arm floaties she had on.

Dalton held her tummy as she kicked her legs. "im doing it daddy" Minnie beams "you sure are" he smiles "your such a big girl" he smiles gently letting go of her. Minnie panics gripping her daddy. "daddy no" Minnie shakes her head "okay daddy keep hold of you" he holds her again.

Dalton took her hands and Minnie looks at him. "i promise you i wont let you go under the water" he looks at her making her nod as they move around.

"can I go on your back" Minnie asks making Dalton nod letting her climb on his back. Dalton swims around hearing the giggles of his girl. "i love when your home" Minnie giggles. "I love it too" he smiles "its much more fun at home with you then at work but daddy has to go to work" he pouts.

"is work bad" Minnie asks confused. "not always. Mummy loves her job its just very stressful. I love my job too sometimes mine can get very stressful too" he explains making Minnie nod.

"hey my babies lunch is ready" Ariana smiles walking out to the pool. "what we having" Dalton asks climbing out taking the towels off Ariana and wrapping them around them both. "sandwiches" Ariana smiles making him nod walking back inside. Minnie climbs onto the chair and Dalton sat next to her.

"how was the pool with daddy" Ariana asks handing her 3 pieces of a sandwich and some slices of an apple. "fun" She smiles. Ariana hands Dalton 3 full sandwiches and a side salad. "thanks beautiful" he smiles making her look back at him. "what" he asks confused. "you just haven't said them words together for a while" she smiles making him nod.

"you just made mummy happy" Minnie whispers making Dalton smile. "I noticed. She likes the little things I do" he whispers back making Minnie smile.

to be continued.

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