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"happy anniversary" Dalton smiles kissing her head as she opened her eyes. "Happy anniversary" she mumbles snuggling into him for more sleep. Minnie walked into the room and Dalton gave her a smile. "what you holding baby" he asks confused. "a card" She climbs onto the bed handing it to him. "to mummy and daddy" he smiles. "I think i'll open it when mummy decides she wants to wake up" he gave her a kiss.

"mummy always tired daddy she okay" Minnie asks confused. "Shes pregnant baby which means it takes a lot out of her. "oh... i love you mummy" she kisses her cheek. "mummy wants to sleep" Ariana whined. "mummy can sleep" Minnie whispers. "not with you two giddy people around me." She looked at them both.

"okay you slept well" Ariana giggles looking at the state of her hair pulling her down for a hug. "read the card daddy" Minnie smiles making him open it up and read it. "Happy anniversary from Minnie and Leo" He smiles. "Grandma helped me" She beams. "thank you princess" Ariana smiles.

"is this when you got married or together" Minnie asks confused "Together. We got married in December time" Ariana smiles "We like celebrating both" Dalton smiled. "Good morning cheeky" Ariana smiles to Leo climbing on the bed. "i think we need to put him in a bed baby. He keeps climbing out his crib" Ariana looks up to him. "mhm thinking that too"

"when do we meet the new baby" Minnie asks "In around 9 months mummy here needs to go for a check up to see how far along she is" "hey im a busy woman." "you are"

"mummy daddy do something today" Minnie asks "No baby we wanted to spend it with you guys. You mean the world to us. We love out family time" She smiles "does this mean i can cuddle daddy" Minnie asks making Ariana move off his lap. "you can always cuddle daddy baby" Ariana smiles.

"you go back to school next week" Dalton looks at her. "I don't want to" Minnie frowns. "This baby needs to learn" He looks at her "i like being home with you"

"you need to go to school baby" Ariana looks at her "okay" she frowns.

"don't mummy and daddy have to be naked together to make a baby" Minnie asks making Dalton nod. "eww gross" "i heard a baby come out here" Minnie points. "it does" Ariana nodded.

"I never want a baby" Minnie shook her head. "I'm holding you to that" Dalton looks at her. "I'm confused how does a baby get up there" "your too young to find that out" he kisses her head.

"is it when you make loud noises" She asks "your supposed to be asleep" Dalton looked at her. "sorry" Minnie pouts. "its okay" Ariana smiles.

"why we taking our top off baby" Ariana asks Leo helping him since he was getting frustrated. "oh and your pants" she asks confused. "He likes to be naked baby" Dalton laughed.

"its cold Leo for no clothes" Ariana stood up. "but you need a nappy change" She took his hand. Leo picked up his clothes taking them to the laundry room "thanks handsome" Ariana smiles helping him up the stairs.

Ariana changed his bum and Leo went to his draw making Ariana open it up letting him pick out something. "you want to wear Spiderman" Ariana smiles putting it over his head. "want your patching pants" making him nod. Ariana found the pants and helped him in to then pulling up his socks up.

Ariana carried him back down the stairs and Dalton smiles "i guess he wanted a change of clothes" He smiles giving her a kiss "I guess so too." Ariana smiles putting him down with his toys.

"were going to have a 5 year old a 2 year old and a new born all at the same time" Ariana giggles "I 4 mummy" Minnie asks "by the time we have this little one you will be 5 a real big girl"

"what you cooking" Dalton asks since it smelt nice. "Pizza" Ariana looked at him. "your homemade pizza is the best" he smiles hugging her. "Im glad we decided to stay home and be with out babies today" She looked up to him. "Me too. We too old to be going out now" he kisses her head.

"How many pizza you make" He asks "Me and you are sharing and so are Minnie and Leo but you'll probably end up with half of Minnie's" she looks at him. "okay im happy with that" he nodded.

"my stomach is driving me crazy today" Ariana rubs it. "Like how" he asks "Like im 16 weeks and the baby is kicking like mad" she frowns "but i have no bump at all."

"thats us going to get you checked over tomorrow" He looks at her making her nod.

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