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"come on lets go talk to Leo" Dalton twirls Ariana around. "about" She asks confused "he is nearly three baby what could we possibly needs to ask him" "about what he said this morning" He took her hand "okay" she shrugs following him up to his playroom where he was playing with some dinosaurs.

Leo sat up and looks at his parents. "hey angel" Ariana sat down on the floor. "mummy play" he hands her a dinosaur. "mummy and daddy want to talk to you about something" Dalton sat down next to him. "me bad" he asks "no no not at all" Ariana kisses his head.

"you said mummy and daddy fight a lot." Dalton asks making him nod. "at night when me and sissy go night and you go sleep you make loud noises. mama shout at daddy" he pouts. "thats not mummy and me fighting" Dalton picked him up. "its grown up stuff" he cuddles him. "stuff little ears like yours shouldn't he worrying about" Ariana gave him a kiss. "okay" Leo picks up his toy. "mummy play" "okay baby mummy play"

"DALTON" Ariana pouts making him run into the room. "i cut myself" she pouts. "why are you shaving you shaved the other day" He frowns wrapping her in a towel and sitting her on the side. "i wanted to feel cute" she frowns as he cleaned her leg up. "babe your always cute" he took her hand. "i just had a baby Dalton i don't feel it" she sighs leaning against him. "Ari baby. Your a mummy. Family's should be all the matters to you" He frowns "mama is pretty" Minnie stood at the door. "thanks princess" Ariana smiles "why you listening to our conversation"

"mama saying she ugly i not like that Minnie wants a say" Minnie pouts making them nod. "see even your daughter thinks otherwise your just stressed and tired" He picks he up. "Minnie want to get mummy some clothes out" Dalton asks "yay"  She runs to her closet and picks out some Disney sleep wear.

"mummy like me" Minnie smiles "when did you two have matching sleep clothes" "since mummy got bored and wanted to match her daughter" She giggles as he helped her change.

"You Miss Grande is the cutest woman I know" He kisses her. "swear im married you know" she stares. "Mrs Gomez" he rolls his eyes. "thank you" she sat up. "Mama a Grande though" Minnie asks "Yeah. I have my last name and Daddy's last name so do you" she smiles "i do" Minnie asks "Mhm Minnie Rose Grande Gomez. Is your full name" Dalton smiles "but Minnie Gomez as short" Ariana kisses her cheek.

"Mama has loads of names though" Minnie looks up to her "no i do not"

"yeah you have Cat. Ariana Grande then Ariana Gomez then Ariana Grande Gomez" Minnie looks at her. "Please call me mummy" she pouts "you are my mummy" She giggles "and does daddy let you watch me on the tv" Ariana asks "Yeah all the time" She giggles.

"Hey she didn't know it was you for a while" He argued. "then she went in your awards room curious about your career and she found a picture of Cat and i had to tell her"

"its okay. I'm your mummy so you can watch me do stupid stuff"

"you mad at me" Dalton asks pulling her into his arms after feeding Millie. "No why what you do" she asks confused. "Letting Minnie know about your life" "nope they knew i was famous because cameras. I don't mind her being curious about me. I sit at home with a laptop all day working and playing and still be full time fuck knows how i do it" she laughs "thank god your having a break right now though you needed it"

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