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"shhh she doesn't know your here" Dalton asks as her friends come through the door. "what why" "in her words im a mummy i dont get to have fun" he pouts.

Victoria, Liz and Courtney all walk up to their bedroom and Ariana looks up from the bed. "Hi girls" Ariana smiles putting her laptop to one side.

"okay so get your lazy ass out of bed we are going to get you out the house without any distractions all day" Courtney says. "I don't want to" she whines. "Dalton arranged this for you Ariana. We have been wanting this for ages but your a mum and never get time. He wants you to be you Ariana. Your life isnt just being a parent now" Victoria tells her dragging her off the bed and pushing her into the closet to get changed.

"Dalton is so cute with her" liz smiles. "Mhm he sure is. I can't wait to see her face later" Courtney smiles. "she is going to be over the moon."

Ariana walks down and Dalton smiles. "hey your looking sexy" he gives her a hug. "Thanks baby" she laughs giving him a kiss. "wow my mama is hot" Minnie giggles. "even a 3 year old agrees" "daddy im 4" Minnie whines "not just yet" he shook his head picking her up. "tell mummy to have a good time"

"daddy said if you dont go he will throw you in the pool and lock you outside" Minnie giggles "alright alright im going" she gives her a kiss leaving with her girls.

"so i was going to push her into the pool" he asks tickling her "i wanted her to be annoyed" she giggles "then she come home and be happy" Minnie nodded giving him a kiss "i dont want mummy yo be annoyed at me" he pouts carrying her around a little.

"can i help daddy and no tv" Minnie asks "of course you can princess" he smiles putting her down. "daddy would love your help it will make it even more special" he smiles taking her hand. "okay so daddy needs to change all the beds because they all need cleaning so how about we start with your room" he suggest making her pout "thats not fun" she whines following him.

Minnie sits on her bed crawling under the sheets. "Minnie" Dalton pouts. "daddy i wanted to make the house nice and cute" she whines. "and how do you thunk mummy likes a dirty or messy house" he asks "she not like it" she pouts. "exactly. so get your butt off this bed and put away your toys please" he asks making her climb to the floor putting some of her toys away. "Minnie your gross" he rolls his eyes finding snacks on the bed. "am not" Minnie argued.

"okay which bedding set your want" Dalton asks "Cloudy with the doggies" Minnie asks making him nod changing it for her.

"your room now" Minnie asks making Dalton nod taking her hand "okay so as much as we love your stuffed animals on our bed you want to go put them in your room" he asks "what about the chair" Minnie pouts. "sure baby" he nodded picking up the condoms putting them in the draw before she found then wanting to know what they are.

"can i use this toilet" Minnie asks "of course" Dalton smiles changing the bed snd putting their stuff away. If one room for the messiest apart from Minnie's room it was this room.

"i in daddy top" Minnie giggles. "Minnie take it off mummy will go mad at you thats her favourite" Dalton looks at her. "I want to smell like daddy" Minnie pouts taking it off. "come here then" he sits on the bed picking up another top for her putting it over her head. He takes the hair tie of his wrist since he always found one there wether it was for his baby girl or his wife and ties it up a little she she wouldn't fall over.

"why this mummy favourite" Minnie asks confused. "I was wearing it the day we got together and always had it on when we slept and she grew attached to it" He smiles giving her a cuddle. "i think Leo is crying for you daddy" Minnie looks up.

"Mummy is on her way home princess" Dalton looks to Minnie. "okay" Minnie climbs off the sofa walking up to the bathroom. "you dont have to go to sleep Minnie its early" Dalton frowns. "Can i watch movies in bed" Minnie asks standing on her stool and grabbing her tooth brush handing it to dalton. "of course you can baby. But if you want to stay awake and cuddle me i will be happy" He gives her a kiss before helping her brush her teeth.

"I is sleepy" she yawns "okay lets go get your snuggled into bed" he smiles picking her up and carrying her to bed. "all clean" he smiles at her room before tucking her in and turning on the tv.

Ariana walks through the front door and gasps.

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