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red carpet day!

"you nervous" Dalton asks taking her hand as she was getting her make up done. "mhm very" she nodded. "you okay with staying back here with the babies" Ariana asks "Im not a baby" Minnie huffs. "im fine baby." Dalton gave her a hug not wanting to ruin her make up. "can I go with Mummy daddy" Minnie pouts. "no baby you have to stay back here" He bends down to her "is mummy coming back" "of course" Ariana pouts. "I dont want you to be screamed at by horrible people and then you cry because mummy hates when you cry"

"daddy go with mummy if they horrible" Minnie pouts. "Minnie baby mummy will be totally fine i promise you" Dalton picks her up. "if mummy cried you kiss her better" Minnie asks "mhm ill kiss her better" he looks up to Ariana who was smiling.

"okay i have to go now be back soon" Ariana kissed her baby making Minnie lean against Dalton. "mummy not say bye to you" Minnie frowns. "its okay little one"

Dalton sat down on Ariana's chair and puts on some youtube for Minnie. Since Leo was having a little nap he was okay and didn't need that much. "Is Nonna nearly here" Minnie asks making Him pick up Ariana's phone and open it up. "she is she is just getting her land yard to let her come backstage and allow her to take you to sit down" Dalton smiles. "oh me not sit with you and mummy" She asks "no baby mummy and me are just going to sit together and Nonna has you not too far away from us" Dalton explains.

"okay daddy" Minnie watches the screen.

Ariana comes back in with her mum obviously seeing her on the way and Ariana smiles at them cuddles together. "do we not have trust in our relationship or something" Ariana asks confused why he was on her phone "I just beat your high score on your game on the phone" he chuckles. "and Minnie has mine i was bored" He pouted handing it her back.

"ugh it took so long for me to get that score Dalton" she pouts. "Mhm i know."

"Hi Nonna" Minnie hands Dalton his phone giving Joan a hug. "should we leave mummy and daddy alone till later" She asks making Minnie nod.

"was it okay out there baby" Dalton asks as Ariana sat into his lap "mhm it was good" she nodded giving him a kiss. Dalton placed a hand on her thigh and she smiles. "you had a message of Cortney by the way" Dalton adds. "saying" she asks "I didn't read it i'm not that controlling over you am i" He asks confused. "No not at all you don't control one bit about my life. You know you can read my messages baby we have been together for nearly 6 years" Ariana giggles "we have no secrets between us"

"I try to still respect your privacy baby. Just when your showering and this boy need to pee i aint waiting im coming in to pee" He states "i walk in on you all the time we actually don't care" she stood up

"come on lets go sit down out there" Ariana handed him her phone since she had no where to put it. Dalton took her hand walking next to her to their seats.

"why you shaking baby" Dalton asks confused feeling her against him. "Im nervous" She sighs "My anxiety isnt good right now thank god i have you with me" She smiles weakly. Dalton stops causing her to stop since he had hold of her arm and he leans down giving her a kiss. "your beautiful and you should only care what family think remember" He tells her "mhm i know"

Dalton feels his phone vibrate in his pocket making him sneak a look at who it was. "babe its my mum ive had 3 missed calls" He sighs. "come on" Ariana stood up taking him back stage to her dressing room. "i need to start to get ready anyway" She kisses him. Dalton calls his family back and turns around seeing a naked Ariana. "how you get out of it so fast" he asks shocked "practice"

Ariana got dressed and put on her heels and fixed herself up as she waited for Dalton to get off the phone. "Babe ive got to leave" Dalton speaks up. "Is is everything okay" Ariana stutters. "my gramps is sick" He says "okay go" Ariana hugged him rubbing his back. "are you going to be okay. Im leaving you and your about to go on stage" he asks "mhm ill be fine. ill get the kids and leave after"

Dalton gave her a kiss before leaving her in her dressing room. Ariana messaged her mum telling her to bring the kids back to her dressing room once she was done on the stage since there was no way Ariana could stay while feeling the way she did.

Ariana ran back to her dressing room and Minnie hugs her mummy. "where is daddy mummy" Minnie asks confused. "he left baby something happened with his family" Ariana picks her up. "he coming back" she asks "he will be baby but were going home now" Ariana tells her putting her down and getting changed smiling as she saw her babies hoodie he had clearly left for her.

"get in the back cuddle Minnie ill drive" Joan tells Ariana "you sure" Ariana asks "mhm he asked me to get you home safe"

Ariana fastens her babies in and cuddled Minnie slightly. Minnie was a mummy's best friend and a daddy princess. When she was with her mum she was sassy, cute and her twin but when it came to her daddy she was a snuggly princess and a trouble maker.

Joan pulls up to their house and Ariana woke Minnie. "mummy only has one set of arms and Leo wont want to walk princess im sorry" Ariana frowns helping her out. "its okay" Minnie yawns climbing out. Ariana picks up Leo cuddling him into her chest. "hey Minnie you think daddy will let me have another baby" Ariana asks making Minnie giggle. "dont be silly mummy" Minnie opens the door walking up to Ariana's bedroom.

Ariana watches her laughing slightly before taking Leo to put him to bed. "it okay handsome mummy sort you out" She kisses him placing him down to sleep.

She walks to her bedroom and found Minnie in her bed with her teddies and blankets. "do you have pjs on" Ariana asks "no" she climbs off the bed. "get some on and you can sleep in mummy's bed" Ariana tells her making Minnie run off.

Ariana looked at her phone to find a message from Dalton saying he wouldn't be home for a few days which was fine since he was with family but she would miss his cuddles.

Ariana gets changed ready to go to sleep making sure her security was on before climbing into bed waiting for Minnie to come back naked or dressed. Minnie comes back and lays down on her daddy's side and sits up handing her mother the pillow. Ariana hands her hers and she smiles. "its a good job i can sleep with his pillow" She rolls her eyes "it feels weird not my fault" "daddy has a special one thats why"

"okay i need to tell you something" Ariana pushes some hair from her face "what is it mummy" she asks "Daddy wont be home for a few days okay" Ariana tells her "he okay" Minnie asks "he is just with his family sorting some stuff out"

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