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"you guys ready" Ariana asks "no i left blanky" Minnie sniffs. "go get it then" Ariana smiles making Minnie run back into the house. "we could have had a long weekend then" Dalton chuckles. "I would have just gave her a top to cuddle"

"oh we have bears too" Ariana smiles putting them into the car before helping Minnie fasten herself in. "what does my princess want to watch" Ariana asks "I want to sing with mummy" Minnie asks "maybe when we are closer because I think daddy would get a headache" Ariana looks at him. "I can deal with my girls singing" He smiles "yay" Minnie smiles. Ariana climbs in next to her kids making Dalton pout. "I want to be close with them" She giggles "I best get loads of cuddles when we sleep tonight" he looks at her "you will"

Minnie looks up to Ariana making Ariana look at her smiling. "can we watch zootopia" Minnie asks "mhm" Ariana nodded finding it and putting it on.

"Were here" Dalton smiles turning back smiling at his girls cuddled together watching movies and Leo fast asleep which he expected. Dalton climbs out the car picking Leo up carefully trying to keep him snuggles so he would stay asleep. Ariana picks Minnie up since she was a little sleepy from sitting down watching movies.

"here they are" Joan smiles. "try getting two kids ready and pack and make sure they don't forget anything" Ariana pouts putting Minnie down since she was wiggling making her take her hand and hide into her leg since she was a little grumpy. "well this is your room" Joan hands then the key making Dalton take it going up to it.

"this is cute" Ariana smiles seeing a travel cot and two double. "There is no way i can fit on a double" he states. Ariana hears a knock at the door and opens it and hugs her brother. "this room is tiny" he gasps entering it. "want me to go see if my little sister can have a different room" He asks "no its okay" Ariana smiles. "hey" Dalton pouts. "I want a bigger bed" he whines. "leave him" Ariana states "can i take these babies" he asks "hale wants to see them" making Ariana nod.

As soon as the door shut Ariana turned to Dalton. "this is about Frankie not us!"

"are they still arguing" Frankie asks colouring with Minnie. "yes!" Joan groans. "Hale go get Ariana and say Frankie is crying and she will come" Joan asks making Hale nod. "mum really!" Frankie asks.

Hale knocks on the door and opens it. "Ariana Frankie is crying" He pouts. "what why" Ariana asks walking away. "i dont know" he shrugs. Ariana walks out and Frankie smiles at her. "if you can't be in a room with him you can stay out here with your family." Joan states pushing her into a chair.

"hi baby" Ariana smiles picking Leo up. "where did the toys come from" Ariana asks "The hotel had some" Joan smiles as she picks up the blocks helping Leo build something. "yay you clever boy" Ariana smiles.

"FRANKIE" Minnie hits him "you made me come out the line" she huffs "Minnie no hitting" Ariana sighs. "but mummy" she whines "no but mummy me" "was i this bad" she asks her mother. "mhm" Joan nodded. "but I had Frankie to always keep you busy so you were also an angel" she smiles.

"Frankie me sorry" Minnie cuddled him. "its okay little one"  Frankie rubs her back. "i love you" Minnie climbs on to him. "i love you too"

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