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Leo Turns 1.

Dalton rolls off the bed making Ariana whine making grabby hands for him. "your like a toddler today" he chuckles picking her up rubbing her sleepy back. "we go on holiday today" Ariana yawns "mhm we do. Orlando Florida requested by this beauty in my arm" he smiles giving her a kiss. "mmm go away im sleepy" she whines pushing him away. Dalton placed her down making her open her eyes running after him. "babe" she whines gripping his waist. "let me give you kisses then" he asks making her nod making him smile kissing her a few times. "its 2am to we need to get the kids up at 3 and by the time we arrive hopefully we can celebrate Leo's birthday" Dalton smiles making her nod. "I cannot believe 1 year ago i pushed him out of me and we have w 4 yea old like what!" Dalton smiles seeing her smiling so wide. "family is everything"

"my mum was pissed we were taking a holiday for Leo and your birthday" Dalton laughs "awww."

"you wanting to eat yet" Dalton asks "not really" she shook her head having a drink of water. "who wants to get which baby out of bed" Ariana asks "Ill get Leo and you Minnie since she is at the stage where she is awkward naked around me" Dalton suggests. "mhm sure" he smiles.

"i was so awkward showing you my body the first time" she giggles undressing. "you were" he agreed. "you were so shy around me. I didn't expect it you seemed so confident. Everything changed for me in that moment." he wraps her in a hug. "why did it change" "because you were shy which meant you trusted me" he smiles kissing her head helping her change because it was his favourite thing to do.

"mmm im so lucky i found you" she mumbles against his chest. "lets go wake the kids" she pulls away walking to Minnie's bedroom. "Minnie baby" Ariana gently scoops her up into her lap. "mummy" she moans "i know baby i know" she rubs her back. "come on lets be a big girl and get changed okay" Ariana suggests. "I baby" Minnie shakes her head making Ariana lay her down gently taking off her pjs and getting her into comfy suit for the plane. Ariana picked her up again carrying her downstairs. "BLANky" Minnie screams kicking her legs sliding down running up to her bedroom before running back down jumping into her mums arms again. "don't worry baby we wouldn't have left it. Daddy still needs to load the car" Ariana rubs her back

"mummy are we there yet" Minnie moans "not yet baby" Ariana picks her up sitting her in her lap. "im bored of seeing clouds" She leans against her chest. "we have around 30 minutes left" Ariana tells her making Minnie nod. "daddy asleep" Minnie giggles. "mhm he looks cute" Ariana nodded smiling at her husband asleep on her shoulder. "what about me" Minnie whines "your adorable" Ariana smiles.

"can i take photo of mummy and daddy" Minnie asks "if you must" Ariana hands her the phone. Ariana noticed Minnie had been playing games on her phone since she was on a game when she looked down. Minnie takes a photo and smiles. "it looks cute" Minnie shows her. "it does" Ariana nodded smiling as she climbed back into her arms.

Ariana notices the seat belt light come on. "Minnie you need to sit in your own seat now and put the seatbelt on" Ariana tells her making Minnie sit across from her putting on the seatbelt. Ariana gently clip her husband in before giving him a kiss making him wake up. "come on sleepy were about to land" Ariana tells him.

"i slept the whole way" he asks confused. "mhm you must have been tired" she rubs his head. "gross" Minnie whines. "hey let mummy love me" Dalton whines. "no its boring watching you swallow each other" she pouts.

"i hope when this one is a teenager she doesn't hate us fo doing the same to her" Dalton chuckles making Ariana shake her head.

"my bed" Minnie jumps on the bed. "no this is your bed. me and mummy are not sleeping on a small bed" Dalton tells her. "you sleep there mummy sleep here with me" Minnie points to the bed and the crib in the room. "im cuddling mummy" Dalton whines holding Ariana making her giggle. "im just loved" she smiles.

"Minnie your sleeping in here though. Me and daddy need this bed out here because its safer" Ariana tells her making Minnie pout. "okay"

"do i have to get off now" she asks "no not at all" Ariana smiles "daddy is going to go find us some breakfast then we need to let Leo open his presents." Ariana smiles. "can i help him" Minnie asks "of course you can."

"i want pancakes daddy" Minnie asks "if i can find some okay" He gives her a kiss before going over to Ariana and giving her a kiss.

Ariana turns on the tv and hands Minnie the remote. "Hello my gorgeous boy happy birthday" Ariana smiles seeing him awake on the bed. Ariana picks him up for a cuddle and he smiles holding her top. "daddy has gone for some breakfast" she smiles giving him a kiss.

"why does he get cuddles in a morning" Minnie asks "so do you" Ariana asks "he gets more cuddles." "because he is still a baby. He had just learnt to walk. He gets cuddles till he had woken up a bit" Ariana tells her.

Leo pushes himself away from Ariana and she placed him to the floor letting him crawl around a little. He finds his presents and picks on up. "Not yet baby wait for daddy to come back" Ariana pouts as he carried one over to her. "daddy will be sad if he misses this baby boy just a little longer okay" Ariana picks him up.

Dalton walks through the door and Leo smiles bouncing slightly. "happy birthday my boy" He smiles placing breakfast down and picking him up. "okay are you ready to eat" Dalton asks them all making them nod as he placed Leo in a high chair.

"oatmeal for this cute boy" He hands him a pot with some in. "waffles and fruit for my queen" he hands Ariana the box. "Pancakes and chocolate for my princess" he smiles making Minnie smiles taking the tray off him. "what did you get" Ariana asks "Pancakes waffles and chocolate" he chuckles.

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