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"table under Dalton Gomez" Dalton smiles squeezing Ariana's hand slightly. "your okay" he whispers to her. "I don't like it" she frowns. "right this way" the waiter interrupts them making Dalton begin to follow him. Ariana follows along and Dalton smiles as they got a booth between the two of them. "we can cuddle" Ariana cheers sitting down.

Dalton smiles sitting next to her letting her cuddle into him. "Ive been working on an album as you know and its put me more in the spot light again and its making me anxious" she pouts. "im here to protect you baby" he smiles giving her a kiss. "ill beat any fucker up who rests a finger on you" he states. "thanks baby" She giggles.

"im being serious baby" He kisses her head "i know it just makes me laugh. I could honestly see you beating someone up for me because my little firsts would do fuck all" she looks up to him. "i like your little hands" he smiles making her smile. "you like my baby toe for god sake you love everything on me" she giggles "mhm i sure do but your smile is my favourite" he smiles giving her a kiss. "not a fake one though. your pure smile. I love it so much"

"im happy i havent thrown up in a few days" Ariana smiles rubbing her tummy. "me too. Its not as fun when you don't try wind me up all the time" "i mean i have different types of wind up i hope your on about my goofy side" She looks up at him making him nod "of course." he nodded.

"Are you two ready to order" the waitress asks "just a salad please and water" she smiles making her nod. "same for me but with chicken please" he smiles making her nod leaving them alone again. "you know you can eat what the fuck you want right" Ariana asks "mhm but i need to save room" He pouts. "I want desert"

"damn your sister is hot" Ariana says "well your mine" he takes her phone from her. "Hey" Ariana whines "your supposed only find me hot" He pouts. "yeah your hot as fuck" Ariana kisses him. "I could go down on your right now if we weren't in public" she whispers making him look at her. "your not getting anything now" he states.

"we will see about that" Ariana giggles shutting up as she saw their food coming. Dalton rests his hand on her thigh and Ariana smiles leaning against him. "eat up baby" he hands her a fork.

Ariana opens the hotel door and she jumps onto the bed "okay this is comfy" she nods in approval. "im going to the bathroom" she walks into the bathroom. "babe we are having a bath look at this view" she squeals making him come in. "we can do what ever you want" he smiles running the water. "i need to give you your gift" She gasps "me too" he chuckles. "were so bad at this" she laughs. "nope we just don't need to spoil each other." he chuckles "I spoil you in other ways"

"I get to see you completely vulnerable. thats the best gift ever" he smiles taking her hand and leading her to the bed and handing her a box. Ariana sat down gently undoing the ribbon and smiling. She takes the lid off and found a rose.

"baby" she looks up yo him

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"baby" she looks up yo him. "I could buy you 1000 roses and they would die three days later and you be sad so i decided to buy you a rose that will never die" He smiles "is this" Ariana looks up. "the photo when i first gave you a rose" he asks making him nod. "babe" Ariana stands up hugging him. "your the cutest person on this planet." she holds onto him before letting go and handing him a bag.

Dalton pulls out a frame with the star map from the day they met and watched the stars with each other. "your a cutie" he smiles. The rest were just chocolate and little things he enjoyed.

"okay lets go bath" he smiles taking her hand Ariana follows him into the bathroom and smiles as he gently began to undress her. Once she was undressed he took her hand to help her climb in. Dalton stripped and climbed in behind her letting her lean herself against him. "this isn't cute or anything" Ariana giggles. "shhh we never get silence anymore" he kisses her head. Ariana looks up at him and smiles moving around to cuddle into him. Dalton holds her tightly once she had gotten comfy.

"I think someone is fucking in the room next to us" Dalton whispers. "ugh they need better soundproofing this is costing so much" She states giving him a kiss.

Ariana shuffles around in the water wrapping her self around him. Dalton smiles wrapping his arms around her rubbing her back. Ariana pulls her self away before shaking her head and going back into a cuddle. "babe" He asks concerned. "Whats wrong" he asks "Your my husband its dumb" she shook her head. "I'm your husband and i support everything what is it beautiful" he asks "im in my head. Im sorry" she sniffs. "Hey no crying" he pouts. "come on lets get out and talk" He stands up with her in his arms.

He wraps her body in a towel taking her out to the bed and getting her changed. "im so sad" she sighs "i don't want my baby to be sad can i help" he asks "i need attention but i dont want it" she pouts. "that makes no sense" he chuckles climbing into bed to cuddle her. "and they can shut the fuck up" She groans covering her ears.

Dalton hated when she was like this. She wasn't just upset she got frustrated with everything. "next time we go away together were getting a house i don't give a shit" "okay baby" he kisses her head "i love you" "really" she asks "you really questioning my love for you right now" he asks "because I love you to the moon and back" he smiles. "i would drive you home right now to make you feel happy. I would go buy you a shit ton of food at 3am in the morning. I would do anything for you because your my wife and i love you to pieces." he smiles at her having her eyes closed falling off to sleep in his arms.

Ariana woke up around 3am and climbed off the bed going to pee. Sleep wasn't her strong point at the minute since the baby seemed to like her having no sleep. She made her self a glass if water before going to sit in the balcony outside.


"Ari baby" Dalton asks coming to sit outside with her. "hey handsome" she yawns. "you okay" he asks bending down in front of her. "they were still at it and i wasn't going to just lay there and listen" she giggles. "come on angel you need some more sleep" he takes her hand. "I want to go home" she pouts. "i need my little girl" she sniffs.

"why didn't you just say that baby" "because ai thought you would think im stupid for not being able to be away from her for a night with the love of my life" she sniffs. They hear a scream from next door and Ariana couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "we must have pissed so many people off when we were fucking every day" Ariana laughs. "you only screamed your lungs out when we were home alone you were okay. You are never loud when your somewhere public. I picked up on it" He stands up taking her hand and taking her to put everything back in her bag.

"why did you pay so much attention" she giggles. "because I loved you. I worked out how to please you. I know exactly how to touch you right now to make you cum fast" he picks up her bag making her slap him. "hey i got you to cheer up" he smiles. "you know the magic"

"i would just tickle you but you get abusive and your carrying my child so its not a good idea" "i don't get abusive i just attack you" "

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