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Dalton: let me know when your coming home. Miss you and want to come pick you up xx

Dalton looks at Leo and rolls his eyes as he was covered in paint. "i can't take my eyes off you for 5 seconds can i?" he tickled him. "look daddy" He held up one of Ariana's tops with a colourful hand print on it. "where did you get this" he asks taking it off him. "sissy" he pouts. "sissy mummy like" "its cute but were not painting on clothes just paper" he points.

Minnie walks into the room and Dalton looks up. "daddy i lost one if mummy's tops" she pouts. "its okay we found it you dropped it on Leo" he took her hand "can i keep this top on" she asks looking at her mothers top. "yeah but let me tie it up so you don't fall over" he smiles.

Dalton hears the door making him stand up and walk to see who was there. "shh your a surprise" He hears Ariana whispers. "babe is she safe to be here" he asks "of course she is. Want to protect my kids" she rolled her eyes.

"she breathed on her own all night. Not really slept much just been watching her afraid something might happen it didn't thank god" "we have to take her back in a few days to check up on her but she takes my breast so i got told she was okay to come home" Ariana handed her over to him.

"daddy Leo making a mess" Minnie calls making Ariana walk through since he was in his moment. "Leo no!" Ariana picks him up getting herself covered in paint"

Leo gave her a kiss making her pout. "how can i stay mad at you" she pouts. "i guess mama needs to bath you now" placing him down and picking up the paints.

Dalton walks through and Ariana smiles. "she loves to brush her nose against my top" he smiles. "she does" Ariana agrees.

"Hey Minnie have you seen mummy" Dalton asks confused. "she asleep in bed" She looks up from her ipad. Dalton walks up to his bedroom and walked over to Ariana gently stroking her hair. "i want rest" she whined. "babe you can't we have too much to do" he frowns breaking his own heart.

"you can't force me to get out of bed" she whined. "i can't take care of all 3 kids and do what we need to do all alone" he picks her up. "staying in bed wont help Ariana ill help you with everything" he kisses her head.

"i'm just tired" Ariana looks at him confused. "No your depressed. You just had a baby who has been in intensive care for a week and had come home your under a lot of pressure" he placed her down at the bottom of the stairs.

"ill do all the jobs if you at least sit and cuddle Minnie and Leo watching movies" he looks at her. "okay" she nodded walking over to the sofa and sitting down. Leo climbs up sitting next to her. "least your all nice and clean for mummy to cuddle this time" She grabs a blanket to cuddle. "Minnie want to come watch a movie with me and your brother" Ariana asks making her nod jumping on the chair "you can come sit with me" she frowns "im okay" Minnie smiles.

"Hey angel" Ariana sat next to her on the bed. Minnie looks at her and smiles. "you okay" Ariana asks taking her hand "your not your bubbly self and i miss you" Ariana lays next to her for a cuddle.

"i just sad" Minnie shrugs "you can talk to me about it" "i sad i don't get attention anymore im a big girl i don't depend on your for needed a wee or changing"

"we all grow up angel" "i know but Leo gets all the cuddles and now Millie will get them all and where does that leave me being bullied" She snuggled into her side. "your not going to school no more im home schooling you" Ariana looks at her "well if daddy allowed me to" she adds.

"i'm always open for you to come and sit in my lap and cry and hold you and snuggle you and kiss you. Im your mama" she kisses her head. "promise" "i promise"

"babe come on we don't want a grumpy girl in the morning" Dalton looks at them both. "mummy mine daddy go away" Minnie sticks her tongue out at him. "your cute but you need some sleep its late" Ariana sat up. "night mummy" "night angel"

Ariana left the room and Dalton looks down. "she is okay right?" he asks "she just sad she is more independent now" Ariana pouts. "also can we homeschool her she is real upset about this whole situation and i want to make sure she is happy" Ariana asks "of course we can" he nodded.

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