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"Im going to go back to the hotel room. Ill see you later" Ariana gave Dalton a kiss making him take her hand. "you sure you'll be okay on your own. Ill grt the kids and come with you" He asks. "Ill be okay just want to lie down" she tells him making him nod letting go of her hand.

"is she okay" Joan asks "No not really shes going through a lot right now" Dalton frowns. "daddy been cuddling her a lot making her better" Minnie smiles. "im trying my best" Dalton smiles.

Dalton walks into the hotel room and walls over to Ariana on the bed sitting next to her. "where the kids" She sniffles. "My mum said she would being them up in 15 so i could come speak to you" he rubs her back. "i don't know what to say" She sighs. "you missing him" Dalton asks "how'd you know" she asks confused. "I know that hoodie. I know what it means when you wear that hoodie" he pouts. He hated seeing her in pain like this and not being able to go much about it.

"I always wonder what my life would have been like with him. Him still being here. Together or Not. Him seeing me bring kids into the world. He always wanted to meet them." "want me to go get your babies" He asks "mhm" she nodded.

Dalton stood up opening the door to find Minnie sat down waiting to be allowed in. She ran past her daddy and jumped onto her mummy. "Come on lets get you to sleep" Dalton takes Leo since he was half asleep.

"mummy no sad mummy happy" Minnie pouts wiping her eyes. "daddy mummy smells weird" Minnie ran out where he was with his mum. "please don't bring it up baby it will make her more sad" Dalton asks "you splitting up" Minnie panics getting upset. "No no never. I could not live without your mummy." He guides her back into the hotel room.

"want to watch a movie" Ariana whispers to Minnie as she climbed back next to her making Minnie nod cuddling into her side. Dalton lays Leo down and changed him into some pjs before going to place him down to sleep.

"is this girl not ready to go sleep" Dalton asks "No" Minnie shakes her head. "mummy ordered room service" Minnie giggles "thats okay. can i join your movies" he asks "yes but give mama a kiss to make her happy"

Dalton gave her a kiss making Minnie pout. "Mummy is okay baby. Daddy is doing so much to help me okay. Ill wake up tomorrow and ill be okay" Ariana tells her giving her a kiss. "okay." Minnie frowns.

Dalton woke up to an empty bed early hours. He climbs off the bed and walked to the bathroom. "did i wake you" she asks confused. "A little sensed the bed was empty" He pouts. "I only needed to pee baby" she smiles lightly washing her hands. "may as well wait for my baby now" He shrugs making her smile walking back over to him. Dalton picks her up making her smile. "why are you so understanding. For years you have let me be sad about him and never once got mad at me for it" She asks confused. "because your my wife baby. I took you with everything you were going through. I was your first proper relationship after him passing. I knew you would he sad" He rubs her back. "you were my first after him" She pouts.

He gently places her back down on the bed and climbs over her. "love you angel" He pulls her into a cuddle. "I love you too handsome" she smiles. "you make me feel safe thank you" she gives him a kiss. "im glad"

"good morning beautiful" Dalton smiles as she stretches. "good morning" she snuggles her self back into him. "your a mess right now" He smiles giving her a kiss. "Im your mess" She giggles. "mhm you sure are" He agreed. "whats the plan for today" Ariana asks pushing her hair back into her bun. "well  more activities around Disney Minnie wants to go in the pool so maybe that" he smiles making her nod.

"tonight me and you were to go out alone for a few hours but if you dont want yo i understand" He adds. "Hey your my man. Of course I want to spend time with this handsome man" she rolls on to him. "did you take my undies off in the night" Ariana asks "no" he shakes his head. "did you even put some on" He asks making her shrug. "i was too busy crying" she pouted. "your acting like im mad you forgot." he laughs.

"good morning" Minnie smiles. "good morning cutie" Ariana smiles climbing off Dalton and giving her a cuddle. "how did you sleep" Ariana asks putting on some shorts before climbing onto the bed with them. "Was Leo awake" Ariana asks "No he fast asleep" Minnie smiles climbing onto Dalton.

"hello princess" He smiles kissing her cheek. "your so like you mama" he smiles "yay" Minnie cheers. "i is beautiful" she smiles "you sure are." Ariana nodded "mamas little twin" Minnie giggles.

Ariana climbs off the bed walking in to see Leo. "come on baby its time to wake up" she gently picks him up sitting on Minnie's bed while she held him a little. "there are them beautiful eyes i like to see" Ariana smiles as he looked up at her. "and a smile." she smiles giving him kisses. "come on im sure daddy would love to see you" Ariana carries him out. "Hello my boy" Dalton smiles taking him off Ariana.
"you want to go shower with Minnie before we go breakfast" He asks.

"sure where is my little princess" Ariana asks "boo" she giggles. "fuck" Ariana jumps before covering her mouth. "im sorry" Ariana holds Minnie. "mummy says that word all the time but i know its a naughty word" Minnie smiles making Ariana nod.

"come on lets get you showered" Ariana smiles taking her into the bathroom. "mummy" Minnie asks "yes angel" Ariana asks turning on the shower "when daddy says i love you" Minnie asks making her nod. "why does it make us happy. What does it mean" Minnie asks climbing in to the water. "you know how you say it to us and we smile." making her nod. "its an emotion. You know how there is happy and sad times that make us feel different ways" She asks making Minnie nod. "like that Love is an emotion when you feel a certain way towards someone. I love you because your the perfect little girl i could have asked for and you mean everything to me" Ariana smiles.

"what does daddy mean to you. How would you describe him." Ariana asks washing her hair. "He is my hero" Minnie smiles. "then that is why you love him." she smiles making Minnie smile. "i need to pee can i come in" Dalton whines "Yes" Ariana laughs. "Hi daddy" Minnie smiles "turn away you" Ariana turns her back around.

"hi baby" Dalton smiles. "daddy allowed to see me naked" Minnie asks confused. "Daddy is a adult and likes his privacy sometimes" Ariana tells her making Minnie giggle. "your not very good at explaining things" Dalton adds. "daddy has a boy part and i have a girl part" Minnie giggles "yes and boy parts you should not be seeing" Ariana tickles her.

"thats why daddy never changes with you or showers with toy because somethings 4 year olds shouldn't be seeing" Ariana tells her. "okay i understand"

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