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"Is Minnie home from School" Tori asks. "Dalton has just gone to pick her up you okay" Ariana asks putting Leo down letting Tori in so she could shut the door "okay you can run around now" Ariana tells him. "I've told everyone im pregnant and I know Minnie loves me and I want to tell her myself" Tori smiles making Ariana nod.

"so hows the last 4 weeks been" Ariana asks "pregnancy sucks" Tori groans. "how did you
do it twice" She asks "when you get handed the little baby everything you went through goes away"'Ariana smiles sitting on the floor with Leo. Leo brought her a few of his toys he wanted to play with before grabbing her headphone. "No no my boy mummy ins't working right now" Ariana pouts. "you leave it out"

"no he had a nap like an hour or two ago and i got some stuff done while he slept then you showed up" Ariana replies.

"this is going to be me" Tori smiles seeing them interact with each other. "MUMMY" Minnie screams running into the living room and into her arms. "Hey grumps" Dalton smiles to Victoria. "Hey dont call me grumps im not 7 no more"

"how was school my angel" Ariana asks "good. Me and Lizzy ran a race i won" She giggles. "i also hurted my knee"she pulls down her tights making Ariana give her knee a kiss. "all better" Ariana smiles "and Sophia kisses Harry and got shouted at" Minnie giggles. "oh no" Ariana gasps.

"Hi Tori" Minnie climbs into her lap. Dalton walks over to Ariana bending down to give her a kiss.

"you know how mummy has you and Leo" Victoria asks making Minnie nod. "im going to have a mini me too soon" She smiles. "do i still get sleepovers" she pouts. "of course. you still get sleep overs"

"a baby girl or boy" Minnie asks resting her hands on her tummy. "we don't know yet baby got to wait a little while" "i need to go pee pee will you still be here" Minnie asks making her nod.

"babe you have a follower be careful" Ariana smiles watching Leo follow after him. "What does my little boy want" he took his hand.

Dalton picks Ariana up making her hold onto him. "my beautiful girl" he smiles "love you" she smiles "love you too" he carries her around before entering the  bathroom. "a bubble bath" she beams. "mhm we used to love these together i want to just relax with you"

"when we were 27/25 we would fuck and be sexual towards each other a lot. No wonder we ended up with a baby" he smiles. "I like helping you relax now and getting you to sleep" he helps her in. "i like sleeping in your arms" she shuffles forward so he could climb behind. "i like you doing that too. I know your safe that way. Stupid stalkers" He pulls her back into his arms.

Ariana turns around looking at him. "what" He smiles. "i like looking at you" "you make me happy" He takes her hand. "love you my angel" "love you too" "i'm working on new music" she beams. "yay" he smiles. "Minnie is at school now so we have to be careful. This is when things could get hard because im putting her more in the spotlight". she frowns leaning against his chest. "it will be okay angel. Minnie has to get used to it"

"come here less about the kids and more about us" he opens his arms Ariana falls onto his chest smiling "what about us" she asks "can we enjoy some silence" she asks making him nod.

"Mummy" Minnie walks into the bedroom finding her parents snuggled together watching a movie with blankets around them "cute" She smiles "whats wrong angel" Ariana questions. "I'm hungry" she pouted. "come on then lets get you a snack" Ariana climbed off the bed going to see what she could feed her. "toast" Ariana asked "okay" Minnie nodded sitting on the stool. "is that what mummy sleeps in" Minnie asks "no baby mummy usually sleeps in just a teeshirt and underwear but sometimes if its cold ill wear one of daddy's hoodies" Ariana chuckles since she had a hoodie and sweats on. "oh okay" she smiles eating her toast.

"what about daddy" Minnie asks "just pants sometimes a top. He can sleep in anything" She smiles.

Dalton rolls over making Ariana sit up and look down at him. "wake up asshole" Ariana kicks him lightly "owe what was that for" he pouts looking at her. "damn what did i do" He adds seeing the look in her eyes. "you rolled over. am i not good enough no more" she asks "what babe your perfect. i'm sorry i rolled over i was asleep" he pulls her down for a hug. "you let go of your tight hold of me. You never let go of me in your sleep" she sniffles. "shhh okay im sorry" he cradles her next to him sending her back of to sleep. "good night little one"

"okay but your allowed to roll over" he questions as she got into their "spooning" position.

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