Chapter 4

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Sam lead Gary into the bath room. The room it's self was steamed up, just the way Gary liked it. "Here, let me help you" she started to undo the buttons on Gary's shirt. He closed his eyes and moved his hands to help her. She took it off him and took it over to the wash basket. When she came back Gary had already started on his pants and had them half off. He handed them too her too, she then put them in the basket too. She helped him remove his nappy like pants and then helped him sink into the lush bath. He sighed as the water covered his torso.

Sam sat down on one of the seats beside the bath. She reached her hand out to Gary's face and started to rub her hands through his hair, "babe, Mark called earlier, he wants to come see you. So do all the boys, but they decided its best if there's only one at a time" "okay"

"Oh shit" Sam stood up, Gary's opened his eyes in alarm. "I left some stuff from the doctors n the car, I'll just run down and get it. Be back in a second." She started heading off towards the door. "No, Sam, please d-don't leave me a-alone" Gary said, eyes pleading her to stay. "Gary, you need this stuff, I'll only be a second" she walked over to him and kissed his head then ran out of the room and down the stairs.

She was fumbling around in the car, grabbing the many packages the hospital had provided. She had it all under wraps when her phone rang. She sat the stuff she was holding down and answered. "Hello?" "SAM! Tell me it's not true" it was Gary's mum, how did she find out? "What have you heard?" "Gary was raped on his way home from the studio!?" "Who told you?" "It was on the radio" this was going to be a long conversation....

Gary moved to the back of the tub the second Sam left the room. One, two, three, four. He counted the time she was gone. 703,704, 'oh no, something has happened, he's back, he gone after Sam, this is all my fault' Gary tried to stand. He hooked his feet over the side and leaned over to the sink. He took a razor from its holder and sunk back into the bath. On his way back in he knocked the shampoo onto the floor, making a crash.

"Listen, Marge, coming here will help nothing, give him someti-" Sam heard a crash upstairs. She looked at her watch, shit! She'd been gone almost 10 minutes. "I gotta go, check on Gary" "I'm on my way" she heard before hanging up. She raced up the stairs with the stuff from the car.

Gary was in the bath holding a razor. His fingers were bleeding with the strong grip he held it with. "Gary! What are you doing!" "Yo-you took too long a-and I thought he got you" "Gary I'm so sorry, you mum called and you know what that's like! And when she knows your hurt!" "D-did you tell herr?" Sam sighed "She already knew" "what how?" "Gary, I think the whole world knows" she stepped into the bath. She didn't care about her clothes. She pulled Gary up and held him tight, "she's on her way".

**a/n As its Christmas tomorrow I probs won't be updating, but you can still read it so pleaseee leave feedback. I don't care if its bad! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! Jess xxxx **

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