Chapter 94

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Ellie's pov

I can't believe it. No way did I think this. How could he?

We are blaring down the road at over 100 km/ph, manoeuvring through the all the cars. We have a total of 5 black SUV's, packed with heavily armed soldiers and 3 standard police cars with uniformed officers. No way is this prick going to do anything else. I'm ending this. Today.

We screech to a halt at the end of a massive driveway and car by car the special ops team file out and set a perimeter around the house. Some stay with me and the uniformed officers. I confidently walk to the door. "Open up you sick bastard!" I yell. For such a large and expensive house he really has crap security. After waiting the standard 30 seconds I order the cops to break it down. "Move in!"

Gary's pov

This isn't happening, it can't be real. I can't believe he would do something like that.

Sam's put Lily to bed so we can wait for an update from Ellie. We are sitting at the kitchen bench surrounded by an awkward silence when there is a knock at the door. I look cautiously to the man that been left in charge of us an he turns around, radio to his mouth. After a few moments he turns back around "It's okay, you can answer it" he says before turning his attention back to his laptop.

I creep to the door, Sam hiding behind me. I open it slightly to see who's on the other side. "You fucking bastard!" I laugh, swinging the door open. "Scared the shit outta me!" I shake my head and let Chloe an Rob in. "Sorry Gaz, Ellie text us saying you might need some comfort or distraction. Marky, Jay and Dougie are on their way round. Got some stuff for you to listen to." Rob says, moving through the house. "Oh great" I mumble. I don't want to listen to their shit, i want this bastard caught!

We go in and sit down in the living room. As we sit I can't help but notice how huge Chloe is. "Whoa Clo, your huge!" Sam says for me. "I know, can't wait to get them out of me!" Chloe sighs, rubbing her belly with her hand. The door goes again and the boys are marched in by that guy looking after me. Mark is armed with his laptop, oh joy.

"Right Gaz, so when you went away we wrote some stuff down. Some doesn't have music and some doesn't have lyrics but you'll see what I mean." Mark says handing me the computer. Words. They seem easier so I scan them first. Jeez there's heaps here, it's going to take hours.

Everyone is sitting chatting away about babies and other things when a geek walks out. "Gary, I've got a link open to Ellie. Come with me" he says and dragsters off the the office.

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