Chapter 39

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It was late in the day and dinner was being served in the hospital. Gary was sat picking off his mothers tray. She didn't seem to mind. "Here darling, you can finish it, I'm not that hungry" she passed him the tray and he sat back in the chair taking a good look at what to start at. "I wouldn't be hungry either I was served that crap" Sam said. "Oh dear you need to eat, be healthy for the baby" "I'll be fine till I get home thanks"

"So how far along are you?" Marjorie asked. "About 12 weeks now" Sam supplied. Marjorie face screwed up as she thought. "But, errr 12 weeks ago...." "Yeah, it's real complicated" Gary said through his mouthful of chicken drumstick. "The baby, it is you tho Gary?" "Yeah, but like I said, complicated" "we'll I'm not going anywhere, explain it to me"

Gary swallowed his chicken and had a mouthful of water, "Okay so, I was out of the country but the night before I left we had sex. The plumber Sam had in the next day took the condom and stored the semen for about a week. When he came back he drugged Sam did a whole bunch if shit to her and made her pregnant, did you get that?" "Errr, I'm starting to wish I didn't ask." Sam got up and left the room "Hey where you going?" Gary called to her. "Coffee" she briefly turned around and Gary caught a glimpse of her embarrassed and flushed face. "Wait!" He called. "No Gary, don't" his mother said from behind him.


3 weeks later

"GARY! Come up here!" Sam called from the bedroom. She heard Gary's footsteps coming up the stairs. "What's up babe?" He yelled from the top of the stairs. "Come here"

Gary walked into the bedroom to find Sam standing in her underwear in front of the full length mirror. Gary growled as he was her and made his way behind her, wrapping his arms around her and placing he large hands on her lower stomach. "You look hot" he whispered into her ear. She giggled as he moved his hands to waistband of her pants, "that's not why your here" she put her hands on top of his. "What then?" He growled in frustration.

"I have a bump" "What!?" His eyes lit up like a little boy at Christmas as he kneeled down for a closer inspection. "You do!" He threw his face at her stomach and kissed it. Sam put her hands on his firm biceps and pulled him up. "I told you" she rested her forehead against his and pulled his lips to meet hers.

"You should be thanking me for that!" A deep and familiar voice called from the doorway. They turned around and saw him standing there, bag over his shoulder. Gary instantly slipped behind Sam as fear and shock took hold of him. "Oooooooh, you've even got her dressed for the exam!" He moved forward and threw Sam over the bed before punching Gary in the jaw, sending him towards the wall.

He opened his bag beside Sam's head, it was full of needles, sharp blades and probeish objects. "Now just stay still and this won't hurt a bit"

**a/n I scared myself writing this...... :( **

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