Chapter 80

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**A/n Sorry these chapters have been short and boring!! will fix that soon! **

1 month later

"Oh my god, I've missed this bed!" Gary sighed as he flopped onto his bed. Ellie had arranged to have their house put on the market and their furniture and things either put in storage or the safe house. "Of course you have!" Sam laughed sitting beside him nursing Lily. "Hey baby, do you wanna see your bed" he sat up and tickled Lily's cheek before plucking her out of Sam's arms and sitting her in the cot at the end of the bed. "Where's James?" He asked Sam. "Still in the car i think"

2 weeks earlier

"Gary, her teddy needs a name" Sam eyed Lily as she sucked on the arm of her Take That bear. "She can call it Gary" Gary smiled at her, "it's the right colour. Same as my hair back then" he laughed at the memory. "That will be to confusing when she's a little older. Any we can't call it Rob, Mark, Howard, or Jason, that's weird" Sam complained. "Okay, so we get rid of the jacket it's wearing and it can just be a teddy" Gary reasoned. "No, it's her little symbol of her daddy. Lets call it Nigel" Sam grinned. "Don you kid with me, were not calling anything after that fuckwit" Gary narrowed his eyes. "Only joking!" Sam held her hands up in defence. "Oh my god" Gary sat up and clicked his fingers. "James!! He's always wanted to be in the band!" Gary said ecstatically. "James who?" Sam asked confused. "Corden!"


"Look who I got!!" Gary came back into the room dancing the stuffed toy in his hands. He went over and sat it on the side of the cot. "Hello Lily" he changed his voice and moved James a bit. "Can I have a cuddle please?" He croaked causing Lily to hold out her arms. He gave the small bear to his daughter and she promptly shoved it in her mouth. "You teach her manners, I'll do the sex talk" Gary groaned as he sat beside Sam and watched Lily. "That includes the how babies are made talk and helping her through her first period!" Sam said bluntly. "That's not fair! That's to girlie for me!" Gary groaned. "Too bad, we have a deal!" She slapped him on the back then pulled back the covers to the bed. "Now go make me dinner"

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