Chapter 28

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Gary woke and slowly took in his surroundings. He was in hospital, again. The events of the night before suddenly popped into is mind. He pulled his wrist to his eye level and studied it closely. I was wrapped heavily in a white bandage. He tried to experimental roll it, He could tell there were stitches underneath the bandage, even if he barley move his wrist. "Sam?" he questioned. there was no response. He started to panic, and the steady beeping he could hear now quickened. He sat up in bed and started looking around "Sam!" he yelled.

A nurse came rushing in and sat beside him. She took his hand and tried calming him down, smothering him in soothing words. She even put the oxygen mask over his mouth and nose as he started to hyperventilate. "Where is Sam?" he wheezed out. "Mr Barlow, she's downstairs." the nurse said in her strong Australian accent. "Why isn't she here? She wouldn't leave me" "Well I'm sure  she didn't want to, but she got very stressed. With the shock of everything else last night and the hormones buzzing in her system she collapsed. Like i said, she is downstairs. Now if you just wait there a moment i will go and get a chair so i can take you down to her." "Is she alright? What about the baby?" "I can't tell you much really, I'm your nurse not hers" she disappeared and returned minutes later with a wheel chair. "You have got to be kidding me" he deadpanned. "Mr Barlow you lost a lot of blood, You are no fit state to walk around a hospital, even if it is a small one." "Fine, fine" he sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. 'Eww, i hate hospital gowns' He brassed himself with his good hand, he started to feel dizzy. Lucky the nurse was there and helped him stay upright. "Thanks" he muttered as she helped him off the bed and into the chair. "It's my job sir" she replied as she pushed him towards the elevator.

Gary was sitting in his chair next to Sam holding her hand. An unfamiliar lady rested her hand on his shoulder. "Are you her nurse?" he asked quietly "I am yes, are you the Father?" he nodded "I heard something happened to you and you were upstairs, you look awful" he smiled a fake smile at her "How are they? Is the baby alright? Will they make it?" Gary nervously fiddled with Sam's hand as he waited for the answer. "They are both going to be fine, bit of a shock to the system, but they will be fine, the baby is very healthy for almost 10 weeks. She should wake up soon" "Thank you" he called to the nurse as she left the room. Gary reached up and brushed a stray strand of hair from her face. The nurses words echoed in his ears 'The baby is very healthy for almost 10 weeks' He furrowed his brow in confusion, then tried to spin his chair and follow the nurse. 

When he eventually made it out of the room he found the nurse sitting behind a desk. "Mr Barlow is she awake? Does she need me?" "Ah no, i was hoping you could tell me something" "Er, yes?" "Well you just said she was 10 weeks pregnant" "That's right, we had to do a scan and some samples to check on the baby and they showed she was 10, almost 11 weeks gone, is there something wrong with that?" "Well the other day when she told me she said she was only 6" "Oh well, that's something for you two to discuss, but I'm positive she is almost 11 weeks pregnant" "Okay, thanks" Gary wheeled himself back to Sam's bedside.

It didn't take long for her to wake up.She mumbled and groaned before pushing herself up in bed. She looked shattered, emotionally and physically. She looked around and saw Gary sitting beside her, his hands looped together resting under his chin, he looked deep in thought, so deep that he hand't noticed she was awake. "Gary" he looked up at her "What's wrong Gary, is it the baby? Is he alright?" "Yes and no" "Gary! Tell me!" "The baby is fine and very healthy.........for almost 11 weeks"  he looked her straight in the eye and her jaw fell down. "Have you cheated on me?"

***A/N heyy everyone! hope you all still like it :D im starting to like writing cliffhangers ;P im just going to take this opportunity to make sure you are all reading @MadAsAThatter's new fic because its gun as!! :D anyway please leave feedback because im a feedback whore :D Jessss xxxx***

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