Chapter 40

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"Now, how's my baby?" He snicker on top of Sam as she struggled beneath him. "Get off me!! GARY!!!" She screamed. "Now now, it's just a check up. Your lover boy is busy at the moment" she turned her head to see Gary cowering in the corner supporting his jaw. "YOU BASTED!!"

"Now, like I said stay still and this won't hurt a bit" he reached into his bag and pulled out a swab. He sat it on Sam's tummy and reached for her waist band. "NOOOO!!" She screamed and freed her hand. It swiftly made its way to his cheek and connected hard, leaving a big red hand print.

He pinned her hands together with one hand above her head and reached into his bag, "Your going to regret that you bitch!" He spat in her face, and pulled out a needle from the bag. "NOOOO!" She screamed as he roughly shoved it in her stomach. She stopped moving and wheezed out in pain. "Now lets get started" he pulled down her pants and threw them towards Gary. "What's the matter Gaz? You bit scared?" He taunted him.

"Are you two having real rowdy sex again? Cos it sounds like your killing each oth- Oh fuck" Nichols pulled out his gun. "GET THE FUCK OFF HER!" He warned. "Or what?" "Or what? I'll fuckin shoot you that's what!!" "And if you miss and hit her instead?" "That's not going to happen" "What if I do this?" Cooper reached into his bag and threw a knife at Nichols, hitting him in the throat. Blood went everywhere.

"Now Sam I'm almost done, you won't be able to move for a couple of hours, and I doubt Gary is going to be much help, so good luck" he gather his things and headed for the window. He jumped out and his fall was broken by the washing line.

"What the hell is going on here!?" Gary's security man came rushing in. He stopped at Nichols body, checking out the wound. "Sam, Gary, what happened? Sam? Oh god!" He heard a grunt behind him and saw Nichols point towards the window. He went over and looked out. He saw cooper running towards as car. He pulled out his 9mm and aimed.

He shoot several times, one hit, but it didn't stop him. He got in the car and drove away.

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