Chapter 92

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Ellie's pov

Good one Ellie you dickhead! Carefully I get off the bed and wrap the doona around him hoping he won't think much if he's sticking out. Going to the cupboard in the wall I pull out a warm thick blanket and head to the lounge room. Walking past Gary's room I peek my head around the corner to see Sam sleeping peacefully. Throwing the blanket over the couch I lie down. When I close my eyes all I can see is Gary on my bed. Great.

Gary's pov

Ouch, my feet are throbbing! Why do I have to be such a weak idiot? Grrr! I roll over in bed so I'm lying on my back. Ahhh that hurts! I start to feel a cold breeze hit me as the doona falls from around me. Am I naked? I glance down to see myself half out of my boxers. Quickly repositioning myself I roll onto my side and look around the room. It's Ellie's.

This isn't my house, or hers either but sitting on the bedside table is a group of photos. Curiosity overcomes me and I decide to look through them. The first one I pick up is of Ellie at her police graduation. Them there's one of her between a man and a woman. I guess it's her parents. The man appears in the next few photos, Ellie's age drops as I go through the pictures. My jaw drops when I see a little Ellie holding a shotgun that's bigger than her. It looks like she's been trained for Mossad or something.

I turn to the last photo and I'm stunned. It's us. Granted its about five years old but it's me and her. I've got real blond hair and no stubble. Ellie looks exactly the same. I can't believe it.

I put the photos down and look at the clock. Almost 5:30, good Sam will still be asleep then.

I suspect Ellie sleeping on the couch so that's where I head, we need to talk. "Ellie" I whisper and nudge her awake. "Garrrry" She groans in response, not opening her eyes. "Wake up sleepy, we need to talk" I tell her, cupping her face in my hand. Slowly she pushes herself up on the couch and stares at me. "What are you going to do?" I ask. "Really? Isn't it to early for that?" She squints at me. "No, I don't want Sam to know. She doesn't need to worry" I explain. "I dunno, talk to tech. Decrypt the number, run a trace" she says rubbing her eyes. I nod my head in agreement. "Aren't you cold?" She asks me, pulling me down beside her and wrapping the blanket over both of us. "No anymore" I sigh.

"Ellie when I was in your room I might of got a bit nosey" I tell her looking at her reaction out of the corner of my eye. "And?" She prompts "You never told me we'd met before" I say, raising my eyebrow. "You had no right to go through that Gary!" She hisses at me. "I'm sorry" I mutter right as there's a soft knock at the door.

No one ever knocks at the door. Ellie pushes me away and grabs her radio off the table. "Who's at the door?" She demands an answer. Crackles as no one answers. "Postman, Gary's ordered a new pedal or something" the line ends and she looks expectantly at me. "Sorry" I mutter, I probably should have got them sent to mums or something. "Your not even meant to know this address! And it's not even 6 yet!" She rages at me as she walks me to the door. I'm obviously wearing the blanket wrapped around my middle.

Opening the door I'm almost blinded by the sun. Geez, what time of year is it? "Thanks" I say as I sign for the package and head back inside. "Come on then show me what all the fuss is about." Ellie smiles as I slice open the box. But when I look inside I can't move. It's not my pedal.

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