Chapter 86

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"Okay, Sam has an infection in her uterus. It's easily treated with antibiotics but this is a late case. The damage might already have been done" The nurse tells me. She came about and hour ago and did some tests. Sam's resting now. "What's the damage?" I ask, I think I know but I'm hoping its no that serious. "Gary, why don't you have a seat" she motions to the sofa.

We sit down as she places a friendly hand on my shoulder. "If the infection has hit a critical stage, the Fallopian tubes might have been infected." She paused making me anxious. "What does that mean!?" I whimpered. "Sam might become infertile" she finishes.

I'm stunned. I mean I knew she was going to say that but it still kills me. I feel like I can't breathe, I need to hold Lily.

In a world of my own I stand up and blankly go into the bedroom and bring Lily out. She's awake, so I don't have to wake her up. I sit by the window and rock her back and forth. She could be my only baby, and we didn't even make her really. She was an experiment. An unethical experiment. Despite my nursing her Lily starts to cry. "Shhh, it's alright baby" I whisper kissing the top of her small head. She's got little strands of thin brown. "Are you thirsty baby girl? Is that it, you want a drink?" I stand up and walk into the kitchen. Lily tries to free herself of me as I heat up her formula. "Now now" I bounce her up to my face and look in her big beady eyes. "Be good for daddy little one" I smile and sit down to feed her.

It's strange, I thought only Sam would be feeding her, but I really enjoy it. I hold the teat near her mouth but she doesn't take it. "Are you telling me daddy did this for nothing?" I raise my eyebrow at her and she uses one of her free arms to slap my face. I can't help but form an o shape with my mouth, she's not even one and she's hitting me already! "Hey now, none of that. Your only aloud to hit me when I embarrass you. Okay?" I smile down at her. She brings her hand up again but this time I grab it with my hand. She pulls it towards her face and starts sucking my fingers. "Okay then, they probable don't taste too good tho." I smile.

"Gary, Sams awake. I think we need to tell her" fuck, I forgot the whole thing for a second.

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