Chapter 23

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"What?" "I said I'm pregnant" Gary sighed and started moving his hand again. "That's what I thought you said. Are you sure?" "Yep, know for a while" "How far along are you?" "Bout 6 weeks" "and why didn't you tell me?" "I was waiting for the right moment. And then stuff happened and well now seemed good as any. Are you happy Gary? I mean you want this right?" "Errr, yeah I guess I do. I mean yeah it's what I want" he broke into a huge grin and ,danced down and kissed her on the lips.

"Why haven't you got morning sickness?" Sam shrugged "I dunno, not everyone gets it Gary. My mum never did so maybe I won't either" "Oh" "What's up Barlow?" She nudged him. "It's just I wanted to be there, rubbing your back, holding your hair out of the way, it's just part of having a baby" "Oh Gary, you can rub my back anytime you like, and I'm open to let you play with my hair" His face lit up like a child at Christmas "Really!?" "Later Gaz, I just wanna sleep right now, think I'm a little jet lagged" "Ok" he kissed the top of her head and shut hie eyes.


"Wake up Sam!" Gary poked her in the ribs "ehh, wwhat" she grumbled as she was awoken from a good sleep. "If you keep grinding your hips on me like that your going to make me hard!" She jumped off him "Oh you didn't have to go, I liked it" he smiled at her "Tell me I wasn't" Sam begged him "Sorry, but you were" Gary flung his legs over the side of the sun lounge and stood up. He walked Sam back as she looked to the ground with embarrassment. "You must of been doing something to me! I never would have done that by myself!" "Maybe I was" he smirked at her. "I hate you!" She screamed. She spun around and pushed Gary as hard as she could and he went tumbling into the pool.

"Ouch, oh Sam my back!" He made his way to the side of the pool, holding is back. Sam walked to the edge "Shit Gaz I'm sor-ahhhhh" she don't get a chance to finish what she was saying as Gary grabbed her ankles and pulled her in. As she surfaced she had an annoyed look on her face. "Nice one Barlow" he smiled proudly at her so she threw a handful of water at him. His mouth dropped and formed an o shape. Gary swam over to her 'shit what's he doing!' To her surprise he kissed her and dragged her out of the pool. "What cha doing Gaz?" "Taking you to the shower, then I can play with your hair" he smiled.

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