Chapter 16

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"Gaz! Gary, Gary, stay with me mate look at me. Can you hear me?" Mark was crouching beside Gary, shaking his body, squeezing his hand trying to keep him awake. "Gary, come on mate, the girls are going to kill me!" Gary's eyes fluttered and he made groaning sounds. His body stilled and he started coughing. Mark knew a little about first aid and rolled him into the recovery position where the foam in Gary's mouth dripped out.

Mark looked up and prayed to the gods the ambulance would be there soon, and right on cue blue and red  flashing lights with blaring sirens were storming down the street. Before he knew it Mark was surrounded by paramedics. They had him on the bed and in the ambulance in no time and Mark was helped up beside him. "Can you tell me what might have happened?" The male paramedic asked "I dunno, he's on this medication and he  was drinking alcohol, that's all i can think of, is he going to be alright?" "No medications that i know of have this reaction with alcohol, so I'm not to sure whats wrong, with him. Can you tell me why he's on the medication and what its for?" Mark thought everyone in the whole world knew what happened to Gary, what rock has he been living under "He was raped, about a bit back now, the meds are for pain, something to keep him calm and he has ones with a sedative in them" "Oh" "You didn't tell me if he's going to be alright?" "Im not to sure at this point, but don't worry" The male paramedic whispered to the female one and she wrote some notes down.

They reached the hospital and Mark was told to wait in the private waiting room. He pulled out his phone and Emma "Em, I at the hospital, something is wrong with Gary, I need you to bring Sam here just try not scare her.....I don't know they've taken him for tests.....They wont tell me anything they need Sam.......Just tell her to stop panicking and get here now!" with that he hung up.


"Right, get some blood drawn and send it off for labs ASAP, i also want him set up so we get the first urine sample." The doctor grabbed his clipboard and scribbled something down before handing it to the nurse "have him set up on this IV as well. Change him out of those clothes and get some cool blankets in here. Mr Barlow, Can you hear me?" He shone a light in Garys eyes, Gary groaned and started coughing. He was sat up by a nurse and a white bowl was placed under his chin. He sat there far a minute before chucking up a foamy liquid. When he finished a sippa cup of water was placed at his lips and he slowly drunk before it was removed and he was lain back down. The nurses started to change him into a hospital gown.

A younger nurse came in and grabbed the doctor "His next of kin is here" "Lets go and get her then shall we?"

**A/N Thanks for all your kind feedback, its such a great incentive to keep writing, i hope where will be more than 1 chapter tomorrow! love you all, Jess xxxx**

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