Chapter 98

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Gary's pov

I dunno what's happening. Everyone is screaming. I can't move my head. Ellie is lowering her weapon, what's happening?


I wake up slowly in unfamiliar surroundings. Uh oh, it looks like a hospital again. I can't see properly and my face feels tight. It probably looks like a blueberry from that beating he gave me. And my torso, god knows what that looks like. "Gary can you hear me? My name is Clara and im a doctor" she gives me one of those smiles. "Where is everyone?" I ask my voice very raspy. "I'm sorry, they all had to go into the police station to make statements. But your friend Mr Orange is here with a light concussion and someone else is here too. I'll just go get them now your awake." Clara pats my shoulder and walks out of the room.

Soon as she leaves I begin to feel a little tired and my eyes droop shut. Maybe I have a concussion too? I hear Clara talking to someone then she walks around the corner and into my room. Fuck what? Harry? What? Why's he here? Shouldn't he be arrested? What happened? I start to panic and grab at things around me. I rip at the monitors and lead connected to me. "Sup Gary?" He asks, right before covering my face with a pillow and trying to smother me. I fight against him but eventually I black out.


Slowly my eyes open again but their thick with sleep. Shouldn't I be dead? I try to move my hand and rub my sore eyes but they won't move. What? I try to look down but there's something around my neck. I can't move. "Hello?" I call out, my voice is terrible, I sound like an old man. "Gary!" Clara runs in and sits by my side. "Oh Gary" she shakes her head and strokes my hair. This is weird. "What's going on? Why can't I move?" I ask her. "Your restrained Gary. When I came back into the room you were having a fit. You attacked the nurses and hurt some of them. We had to sedate you but you were still kicking so we restrained you. I'm real sorry" she explains. "Can they come off now?" I ask, I probably don't want to know the answer. "I can see what I can do about the neck and waist but you might flip out again so your hands and feet will have to stay put, I'm sorry" she smiles and undoes the collar at my neck and they buckle around my middle. "S'okay" I tell her.

"Can you tell me what you remember?" Clara asks. "Erm you said someone was here to see me then you walked in with, him" I trail off and look the other way. "Him? No Gary, her. I brought Lily in. Your wife left her here so we could check over her. She had a bit of a fall we hear" Clara smiles. "Is she alright? Is she here?" I prop up on my elbow. "I'll go get her only if you promise not to attack us when we come back in?" Clara warns. I nod my head repeatedly.

It doesn't take long and Clara walks back into the room holding Lily, all wrapped up in a blanket. She places the sleeping baby between one of my tied down arms and my chest. She has a little bandage on her head. "Is she okay?" I ask really wishing I could touch her. Hug her and kiss the hell out of her. "She's fine, just a little knock to the head. We preformed a brain scan and everything is fine. It's just a cut" I sigh in relief.

"I need to talk to you about your injuries" Clara turns into doctor mode. "You probably don't know this but you got your nose broken. We will have to take you to surgery to fix it. You have sever bruising around your eyes and cheeks. The inside of your lips are cut so there will be no kissing for you for about a week. You've got a couple of broken ribs so take it easy for a few weeks alright? Also as you might expect there are quite a number of bruises on tour torso. They will hear up in no time. Now as anyone talked to you about laser scar removal?" She asks as the end of her report. "No" I answer watching Lily sleep. "Well when we changed you into the gown I noticed some pretty intimidating scars on your body" she choses her words carefully. "Do you mean the ones on my butt that go all the way up to my shoulders?" I ask. She's seen them, why not talk about them. "Err yeah, those ones. Laser removal is very affective, I recommend you try it. I know it's expensive but I know you have the money." She raises her eyebrow. "Thanks I'll think about it."

Right at that moment Jason walks into the room. "Gaz! What's happening?" He asks. Maybe he knows what happened.

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