Chapter 76

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"I'm hungry" Gary moaned as he sat watching Sam feed Lily. They had been at the hospital for 3 days now, without incident. "I'm sorry but your big enough and ugly enough to feed yourself" Sam said sourly stroking Lily's back. "Do you want anything?" Gary stood up from his chair. "I'll just have yours" she smirked. He rolled his eyes and went to find Ellie.

"Hey Ellie!" He called out, running down the corridor to catch up to her. "Sup?" She looked up a him. "I've ordered some Chinese, it's being delivered here. Can you get someone to bring it up to us?" He asked. "Yeah sure, that all?" She said looking at the door she was about to go through. "Yep, thanks" Gary said and walked back to Sam.


"Oh god would you take that thing away from her? It's embarrassing" Gary sighed as he watched Lily fiddle with her Take That teddy. "Na, I think it's cute. You should take a photo of her with it and give it to the press, I'm sure they are willing to pay heaps for a pic" Sam grabbed Gary's takeout container and took a few bites. "Eww, that's horrible" Sam spat out what was in her mouth. "Eww that's disgusting" Gary mirrored her as she spat the food back into the container. "Go get me a drink please, they put fresh water in that thing over there earlier" She pointed towards the water dispenser in their room. Gary walked over and filled a plastic cup up. He took a swig before handing it to Sam. "That's nice" he smiled and sat on the bed beside Sam. Ellie demanded a bigger bed so they could sleep together, it took a while to get organised but they were eventually given one. "Mmm, nice and fresh" Sam sighed. "So what do you think bout that photo?" Sam smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. "Hmm, I think you should be in it" Gary wrapped his arm around her. "No way I look like crap, I haven't even worn make up in days!" She argued. "Thats cos you don't need it babe" he complimented. "Say what you like Barlow" she scoffed.


"Sam, I'm feeling a bit sick, I- ill be back" Gary rolled off the bed onto his hands and knees. He grabbed the bed and pulled him self up, then looking over to Sam. She was asleep, a deep sleep. Gary turned around and found himself disorientated by the lights. The whole room began to spin around him and he fell onto the floor next to Lily's cot. He hit his head hard and his vision began to blur in front of him. The light tshirt that he wore was now stuck to his torso with a think layer of sweat that had developed all over his body. He was going to be sick. He opened his mouth and tried to call out for a nurse or doctor but his throat was dry, and his speech was soft and slurred. He was lying on his side, and this was an advantage. After fighting the urge for so long, his stomach churned and he threw up on the floor next to his face. The pile of bile pooled around his face and the smell made his throw up again.

He tried to push him self away but it proved difficult, a smear of vomit followed every centre meter he moved. He gave up and just lay on the cold floor, staring at the ceiling. The urge to sleep was strong and he let his eyelids fall shut.

It felt like hours when he opened his eyes to the sound of a crying baby. "Lily" he croaked. He looked to the cot to see a dark shadow holding his little baby in its hands. "Lily!!" he cried and the shadow turned and headed for the door.....

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