Chapter 44

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12 hours ago

'Ive done it' Gary thought, 'I've finally got myself a bride, a wife. Dad would have been so proud'

Gary lay on top of the bed, sweaty and exhausted, but he couldn't seem to sleep. He looked over to his wife 'Mrs Barlow'. She was sleeping peacefully after their first love making session as a married couple. 'Married' he thought and smiled. Sam's hair was partially still done up from the wedding and her make up had smudged down her face and on the bed sheets and pillow. She was lying with her head on Gary's chest with one hand across his broad chest and the other protectively resting on her ever growing bump.

Gary turned over and glanced at the clock. It read almost 3am. Gary decided that he needed a drink of water so he gently moved Sam's head and moved off into the kitchen.

He got a glass and filled it with water then headed back to the bedroom and searched the bags for some panadol. He heard a soft knock on the door. 'Are you kidding me!? If that's one of the boys.......or girls I swear to god........'

He opened the door. "Hello again Gary, oh have I missed you!" It was him. Max Cooper had found him, again! "No please" Gary's voice was barley a whisper. He began shuffling backward, hoping to find a wall and shrink down into a small target.

"Well well well, your dressed just how I like you. Ready for round two?" Gary glanced down and noticed his state of undress. He hit the wall and slid down. "Not so fast Barlow" Cooper pulled out a needle and stuck it in Gary's arm. "Sam" Gary tried to call out, but his voice was fading. Soon he fell asleep.


By 1pm and a massive search of the resort and surroundings told Sam and everyone else that Gary was not there. No one had seen him since he and Sam left the wedding reception. Sam asked a few staff if they heard anything from him, or had maybe seen him, but she had no such luck.

She headed up to her room to find Leslie's number and give her a call. 'What if I'm over reacting and he's just gone for a walk?' She thought. She sat down on the bed and pulled out her phone. She noticed an envelope sitting on Gary's pillow addressed to her.

She examined it before opening it.

My dearest Sam

Don't stress to much, you don't want to hurt my baby, but Gary is gone. I have him, give up now. You won't find him, actually when you read this he will be halfway around the world, or maybe in it.......

You destroyed my plan and I am going to destroy you.

Starting with the one you love.

This is the way it must be

Yours forever

M C xxxx

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