Chapter 79

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*Picture found on Google*

I woke up to my legs being lifted up then back down. I kept my eyes closed until I heard Jane.

"Jackie wake up we have to go." She said.

"Why what for?" I asked sitting up. "I don't want to go anywhere unless it's to kill what's coming for me."

"Jacklynn there's vampires at your parents house." Dean said.

"What?! Okay yeah we have to go." I said.

"Wait shouldn't we tell Jensen?" Jane asked.

"Jensen we're leaving there's vampires at my parents house!" I screamed.

"Okay I guess that works." Jane said.

"Make sure you come back here!" I heard Jensen say.

"We will!" I said. "Alright let's go."

"Wait before we go we need to be ready." Sam said.

"Oh don't worry." I said as I snapped my fingers and changed into a black Supernatural shirt, a red flannel, and jeans. "I can just snap up what we need."

"Oh where were you when we needed you." Dean said.

"Wishing to be with the both of you." I said getting my shoes on.

"We gotta go before anything goes wrong." Jane said.

I grabbed Sam and Dean's arm and we teleported to my parents house. The house was filled with vampires. My mum's flowers are everywhere the tv is broken and blood is on the couch. I snapped my fingers and we're all holding machetes.

"Where are they? Where's my parents?" I said. "Where's Grace?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." One of the vampires said.

"Don't lie to me Where's my sister!" I said.

"They're dead just like you will be." He said coming towards me.

I flipped over him and sliced his head off and it landed on the ground with a thud.

"Nobody messes with my sister you filthy blood suckers." I said then sliced another vampires head off.

"Jacklynn I'm in your room!" I heard Grace say.

"Jacklynn go to your sister we'll take care of the rest of them." Sam said.

I ran to my room and saw my sister with my parents. My parents throats are ripped out. I shut the door locked it and looked at my mum and dad.

"They killed them." Grace said. "The vampires killed them."

I walked up to them and grabbed the necklace my mum was wearing.

"Goodbye mommy, goodbye daddy." I said.

I snapped my fingers and they disappeared.

"What did you do?" Grace asked. "Where are they?"

"Somewhere safe." I said

"You buried them didn't you?" Grace asked.

"Possibly." I said.

"I never thought our parents would be killed by vampires." Grace said. "Maybe old age but not vampires."

"Here you should take this." I said handing her mum's necklace. "We both know you were mum's favorite."

"She didn't have favorites." Grace said. "She loved all 4 of us the same."

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