Chapter 82

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I woke up to Poppy jumping on my bed. I patted her on the head then looked to where Jane was but she wasn't there and her sleeping bag was gone. I got out of bed and headed downstairs. I walked into the living room no one was there, I walked into the kitchen and saw beef jerky on the counter. I was confused but ignored it and went to check the fridge. I found nothing good and closed the fridge. I looked everywhere for something to eat but I found nothing. I looked at the beef jerky on the counter for a while then grabbed it and sat down at the table. I opened the beef jerky and the foul odor of it hit my face.

"Eww!" I said checking the experation date. "Not expired yet."

I took one out and ate it as Crypta came in.

"Hey I thought you hated those." She said.

"Yeah but there's nothing to eat and I'm hungry." I said.

"Oh right Anita, and Brian went to get groceries." She said sitting down. "Amanda is still asleep in her room."

"You know beef jerky isn't that bad." I said. "The smell is horrible but it's actually pretty good."

"Why don't you use your powers to get food?" Crypta asked.

"I would if I could but I can't." I said.

"Why not?" She asked.

I raised up my leg for her to see my anklet then put it back down.

"Oh right the R.A.N suspension thing." She said.

"Wait the what?" I asked.

"Oh- gotta go." She said then ran out.

"Hey! Crypta!" I yelled. "Damn it. Suspension? I'm suspended from the R.A.N? What for? I did nothing wrong...did I?"

I got up put the bag of jerky back on the counter then went back upstairs. I walked into my room and saw Jane sitting on my bed.

"Hi." She said.

"Hey did you know about the R.A.N suspension thing?" I asked.

"The what?" She asked.

"Yeah Crypta just saw my anklet and mentioned the R.A.N suspension." I said.

"We're suspended from the R.A.N?" Jane asked.

"I don't know." I said. "She just mentioned the R.A.N suspension and when I asked her about it she ran off."

"Why would we be suspended?" She asked. "Did we do something wrong?"

"I don't know I don't think we did." I said.

"Have you checked the R.A.N Instagram account?" Jane asked getting on her phone.

"There's an Instagram account?" I asked.

"Yeah look." She said.

I sat down on my bed beside her and saw a verified R.A.N account.

"It's even verified." I said.

"Yep." She said looking through the account. "Well there doesn't seem to be anything about the suspension here." She said as she got out of Instagram and laid back onto my bed.

"How could we be suspended from the R.A.N?" I asked laying back next to Jane.

"It doesn't make any sense." Jane said.

I looked up at the ceiling none of us saying anything. I felt Jane staring at me and turned to look at her. She sighed then smiled.

"Your eyes sparkle." She said looking into my eyes. "Like a purple ocean."

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