Chapter 16

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Sorry it took a while for me to upload I was at my brothers house for a few days and his WiFi is so bad I wasn't able to upload they do have better WiFi now, anyways enjoy.

I wake up and feel a wet rag on my head. I sit up holding the rag I look around and see that I'm in my room. My ring and necklace is on the table beside my bed along with my phone. I got dizzy so I laid back down to go back to sleep but I heard someone beside me.

"Good morning." Adam says.

"Oh hi Adam, Good morning. How did I get to my bed?"

"Brian carried you."

"Oh...okay. Why are you in here?" I asked as I tried to reach for my phone but wasn't able to so just forgot about it. "I kinda figured you'd sleep in a guest room or something."

"I was going to but Brian wanted me to sleep here with you to look after you."

"Oh okay that's fine then."

"You were running a fever last night when you fell asleep."

"I was?"

"Yeah we couldn't find a thermometer but Brian, Anita and I could tell you were running a fever."

"Potatoes work for a fever my mum would cut slices of potatoes and put them in my sock. She usually freezes the potato first."

"Have you checked your socks?"

"No." I say as I feel my sock. "There's potatoes in my socks. It tickles when my mum puts it in my socks. Who put them in there without me waking up and how did they know the potato thing?"

"It's in the guardian journal and Anita put them in your socks."

"Did she have help? My mum can't put the potato in without it falling."

"Brian did help her."

"What did you do?"

"I put the rag on your head. There's a potato in the rag too. You can take the rag off now."

"Oh right." I say taking off the rag.

"How are you feeling?" Adam asks taking the rag.

"I felt okay until I sat up I got a little dizzy, my throat kinda hurts when I swallow too."

"Do you want some tea?"

"I'd love some tea, with honey."

"Okay I'll be back with it."

"I'll be here." I say as Adam goes downstairs.

I grabbed my phone and saw a text from my sister. I went through my Instagram and Facebook then texted her back.

Grace: Hi Jackie, did you get the journals?
Jacklynn: Yeah I got them I love them.
Grace: Did you give Brian and Anita the guardian journal?
Jacklynn: Yeah I gave it to them. Who put that together anyways?
Grace: I did you know mom can't read and you know dad can't really understand what he reads but they did help me put it together
Jacklynn: it's all typed how did you get it all printed? We didn't have a printer when I lived with you guys.
Grace: We had to go to Oliver and Crystal's house. We didn't tell them about you moving to London it never came up.
Jacklynn: So they still think I live in Alabama?
Grace: Yep.
Jacklynn: Don't tell them I'll text Crystal later. I gotta go. We'll talk later.
Grace: Okay bye.

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