Chapter 67

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I opened my eyes and looked over at Adam. He was sitting up staring at me. I sat up and wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you." I said.

"I know." He whispered.

I looked at him and smiled as I noticed his hair turn purple.

"What's wrong with your hair?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He said.

"It's turning purple." I said.

"Don't be ridiculous." He said getting up and walking to the mirror. "It looks normal to me."

"Your hair is purple." I said. "I actually like it."

"You need to get your eyes checked." He said as he picked me up and carried me downstairs.

"This is all just a dream I'm gonna wake up in a few minutes." I said.

"Whatever you say." Adam said as his hair started to turn blue.

"Now it's turning blue!" I said as we went outside. "Where are we going?"

"To get your eyes checked." He said sitting me down in a car.

"Who's car is this?" I asked.

"It's mine." Adam said as the car turned into a rocket.

"What is going on?" I said. "This is crazy!"

"Where here." Adam said.

"That was fast." I said. "Where are are we?"

"The eye doctor." Adam said.

"I don't have to go to the eye doctor." I said looking at his hair. "Now your hair is turning green."

"You definitely do." He said grabbing my hand and transported into the eye doctor.

"How did you do that?" I asked.

"Do what?" Adam said.

"Never mind." I said.

All of a sudden I feel a pinch on my arm then everything goes black. I wake up in leathery chair and see Adam sitting on Purple bean bag. I noticed his hair had turned pink.

"Adam." I said. "What happened?"

"Hey you're up how are you feeling?" Adam asked. "Are you still seeing things?"

"No I'm not seeing things." I said.

"Good lets go home." Adam said.

He grabbed my hand and we teleported back to his car. It turned into a rocket again and we headed home. We got home and teleported into the kitchen.

"Can you stop doing that?!" I said.

"Doing what?" Adam asked.

"Stop with the teleporting however you're doing it." I said.

"I'm not doing anything." Adam said.

"Then how did we get in here?" I asked.

"We walked." Adam said.

"I'm going crazy." I said sitting down at the table.

"I would say you're going slightly mad." A llama said walking into the kitchen.

"How did a llama get in here!" I said.

"Oh that's Brian." Adam said.

"What?!" I said. "Where's Anita?"

Living with Brian May (Brian May fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now