Chapter 93

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I woke up and checked the time. It's 8 AM. I turned toward Adam expecting to see him laying next to me but saw a note in his place instead. I grabbed it and read it to myself.

Sorry I wasn't able to stay until you woke up. Brian wanted us to leave earlier. I already fed Pharaoh and Poppy and your birds. Amanda is asleep in her room and there's someone coming to keep you company, you'll love her. We'll see you later. I love you.

"And they left already. Great." I said to myself. "I love you too Adam."

I put the note down checked my phone for notifications then fixed my bed. I walked to my closet picked out my grey Taylor Swift shirt with purple doily shorts put them on and walked out of my room. I walked into Amanda's room and saw her asleep. I headed downstairs walked into the kitchen and looked in the fridge for something to eat. I grabbed a bowl of macaroni warmed it ip in the microwave then sat down at the table and ate.

When I finished eating I washed my bowl and headed back upstairs. I walked into my room took my pill so I wouldn't freeze up then walked into Amanda's room. I noticed she was already awake so I picked her up and headed downstairs. I went into the kitchen fed Amanda then walked into the living room. I sat Amanda down on the couch as I heard a knock on the door.

"That must be who Adam was talking about on the note he left." I said as I went to get the door.

I open the door and see Taylor Swift one of my favourite singers, standing there in front of me.

"Taylor." I said surprised.

"It's me." She said.

"Hi." I said.

We both giggled knowing what we just did.

"You must be Jacklynn." She said as I nodded and let her in. "Nice shirt by the way."

"Thanks." I said closing the door and locking it.

Knowing how crazy some of her fans can get. I'm not gonna risk having a crazy stalker coming in. It's happened to me before, and if something were to go wrong I could just use my powers.

"This is my daughter Amanda." I said as we sat down. "Mandy this is Taylor."

"Hi Taylor." Amanda said which made me smile.

"Hi Amanda." Taylor said. "You are so cute!"

Amanda smiled and hugged Taylor, which put a big smile on my face.

Taylor smiled and looked at me, her smiled slowly faded and she looked confused.

"How are your eyes purple?" She asked.

"Oh yeah since I have powers they turned purple after I gave birth to Amanda." I replied. "After I gave birth to her I went into a coma for 3 years, they turned purple a bit after that."

"Does she have powers?" Taylor asked Amanda now sitting on her lap.

"For now no, she might later on as she gets older." I replied. "Her eyes do change colour depending on what she eats or drinks."

"You're part of the Rainbow Angel Nation aren't you." She said.

"Yeah how'd you know?" I asked.

"A lot of celebrities are part of it." Taylor says. "I was asked if I wanted to be part of it but around that time I didn't know what it was so I just declined it."

"I didn't know you could decline it." I said. "I didn't know what it was either. Roger didn't tell me anything about the R.A.N he just gave me a ring and said it would give me powers, my sister is the one that asked if I'm part of the R.A.N I didn't know what it was I asked Roger about it and he let me know I am part of it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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