Chapter 8

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The next morning I wake up to mum and dad arguing again. I check the time it's 5:57 am. I get up feed my birds and get ready for school. I went to let mum know I was gonna take a shower.

I finished my shower and got dressed. I put on my black and white Beatles shirt, some jeans, and my converse. I was putting on my Queen hoodie when my sister walks in.

"Oh hi Grace. What are you doing up?"

"I came to give you this." She says handing me $20. "Mom said to make it last all week."

"Yeah that's what she always says."

"You know you forgot my birthday, right?"

"Oh my god I didn't."

"But you did."

"Oh my god I am so sorry."

"It's okay. It was two Fridays ago."

"Oh, that's why we had the cook out cause of your birthday. I forgot dad didn't get paid on the day of your birthday."


"I wish I could move to London."

"You will."


"I know you will."

"I remember that's what you said about these converse and then dad ended up getting them for my birthday."

"I knew about it. He bought them the week before your birthday."

"Then how do you know I'm gonna move to London?"

"I just have that feeling like you will one day."

"Yeah Okay."

"I gotta go I hear the bus." I say grabbing my backpack and running out the door and into the bus.

You may be thinking why I don't have a car and my little brother does. Well it's because I have a fear of crashing.
After the long bus ride I finally made it to school. I run to my locker and Claire is there waiting for me like always.

"Hi Jackie. Will Brian be here again?"

"No, he left yesterday. I say trying not to cry.


"Yeah. I wanted him and Anita to stay."

"You met Anita Dobson?"

"Oh yeah he spent the night at my brothers house with me on Friday. Then she showed up at my brothers house. We hung out all weekend. They even went to church with us."

"Oh so I'm guessing your weekend was fun."

"Yeah very fun. Come on let's get to class I don't need anything from my locker."

We was at lunch when Claire saw my phone light up. She looked at it and saw that Brian texted.

"Brian texted you? How did you get his number?" Claire asks.

"He took my phone without me knowing and put it in my contacts." I say as I grab my phone. The text said Hi Jackie, How are you? I replied back with I'm fine, how are you?

"Can I have his number?" Claire asks.

"No, I promised I wouldn't give it to anyone."

"Oh Okay."

"It's time for gym." Claire says.

"But the bell hasn't rang yet."

"They turned off the bells."

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