Chapter 12

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I wake up to Delilah on top of me licking my nose.

"Delilah that tickles." I say as I scratch the back of her ear.

I put my ring back on grab my phone and turn on the tv and watched YouTube videos and looked through Instagram with Delilah still laying on me.

"Jackie, your stuffed animals are here." Brian says coming into my room with a box.

"Already? I thought that would've taken months to get here."

"Yeah so did I...there's more of your stuff downstairs I'll bring it up."

"Okay." I say as Brian walks out of my room "I've got more unpacking to do." I get out of bed and dump all my stuffed animals on my bed.

"Here are your posters, drawings, and paintings." Brian says coming back in my room.

"My paintings? I forgot about my paintings. Is that it?"

"If you want it to be, but there is one more box downstairs."

"Okay, you can bring it up."

Brian walks out of my room to get the other box. It takes him a while to get back.

"I got it." Brian says startling me."

"I'm gonna pretend like you didn't just scare me."

"Oh sorry."

"It's okay. What is it?"

"It's bird food and a new cage for your birds."

"Where are my birds?"

"Oh, your dad actually called about that, he said they're trying to find a safe way to get them here."

"Oh okay, I can't wait to see my birds. I miss them."

"You should probably have their cage set up before they get here."

"Yeah I'll have it set up."

"If you need help setting it up just tell me and I can help."

"Okay, I will."

"Well I guess you have stuff to do I'll leave you to it."

"Okay, thanks Bri."

I was fixing all my stuffed animals on my bed and just about to finish unpacking my other stuff when I noticed I was missing one of my stuffed animals. I walked out of my room and went downstairs to the living room and see Brian sitting in the couch next to Anita.

"Hi Jackie" Brian says as I sit down on a rocking chair next to the couch.

"Hello Jackie" says Anita

"Has any of you seen my poodle?" I ask.

"Yeah he's right there." Roger says walking in the living room pointing at Brian.

"Roger..." I say but it comes out as a whisper. "That's so not what I meant Rog"

"Hi you must be Jacklynn." He says sticking his hand out for me to shake.

"Uh huh" I say nodding as I shake his hand. "I didn't think you were a big hand shaker" I say as he chuckles and sits in the couch next to Brian.

"Don't call me poodle. I've had enough of this poodle shit" Brian says.

"I love poodles they are so cute that's why I have a stuffed animal of one, well I guess I don't anymore since it's missing."

"What colour is it?" Anita asks.

"It's pink it has two little rainbow bows and a collar that says Brianna on it"

"You named your poodle Brianna?" Brian asks.

"Uh huh" I nod.

"Why is that?" Roger asks.

"Can I not name my poodle Brianna?"

"You wanted to name it after Brian didn't you?" Roger asks.

"Yeah, I name all my stuffed animals after my favorite singers and actors." I say

"Do you have one named after me?" Roger asks.

"Three actually but two of them is not a stuffed animal though."

"What is it?" Roger asks.

"Toy cars" I reply.

"That's fantastic!" Brian says laughing Anita laughing along with him.

"What kind of cars?"

"Both Ferrari one red the other is black"

"Can I see them?"

"Uhhh... they're kind of collectables so they're still in the box I got them in."

"Can I see all of your stuffed animals?" Anita asks.

"Yeah sure come on."

I showed Anita, Brian, and Roger my stuffed animals. I also showed Roger my toy cars but then he had to leave. We ate dinner and tried to look for my poodle, but couldn't find it anywhere. It'll probably turn up. Brian helped set up my birds cage then I put up my posters.

"Today went by fast... well I did wake up pretty late. Let's go to bed Delilah." I say getting into bed. "Delilah? DELILAH!"

I get out of bed look in my closet under my bed and in the secret room but I can't find her. I run downstairs almost falling.

"Brian! Anita!" I cried

"Jackie, what's wrong?"

"Are you okay?"

"Have you...seen Delilah?" I say tears running down my eyes.

"I haven't seen her." Brian says.

"I haven't seen her either." Anita says. "Have you checked your room?"

"Yes, I... I checked under my bed, my closet, and the secret room. We have to find her."

"Don't worry we'll find her."

We tried looking everywhere for Delilah but we couldn't find her.

"Shh.... do you hear that?" Anita asks and we all get quiet.

"A meow."

"It's getting louder."

"She sounds like she's in pain."

"It's coming from outside."

We run outside but it's too dark we can't see anything. I turn on the light from my phone and I see her in a bush with thorns. I tried to get her out without hurting her but fail.

"Brian can you get her out? I don't wanna hurt her."

"I can try."

"Please be careful."

Brian got her out of the bush and went back inside and got the thorns out. The thorns were finally out and she was fine.

"Thank god she's okay."

"We should get to bed it's late."

"Yeah. Good night Bri, good night Anita." I say picking up Delilah and going upstairs.

"Night." Brian and Anita say in unison.

I put Delilah on my bed pushed the button to close the secret room take off my ring and get into bed.

"I'm glad you're okay." I say petting Delilah and I fall asleep. 

Sorry if there's any grammar mistakes. Next chapter will be up tomorrow if not than maybe next week or soon. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for reading.

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