Chapter 45

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I woke up at 9:30 from a weird dream. I turned on my tv and fixed my bed. After fixing my bed I grabbed my dream journal and wrote down what I remember from the dream I had when Brian walked in.

"Jacklynn can you come here for a second?" Brian asked.

"Uh yeah sure." I said putting my pen down grabbed my phone and followed Brian to his office.

I don't know why I grabbed my phone but I did. As I was following Brian to his office I looked behind me and saw Anita go into my room with a box. I got curious and wanted to run back to my room to see what's in the box but I continued into Brian's office.

"Sit down where ever you'd like." Brian says as he sits down in a big spiny chair.

"Okay." I said sitting down in a small spiny chair.

"Are you ready for your album release party?" Brian asked.

"I've been ready ever since I was told about it." I replied. "But I still don't have a costume."

"Don't worry about that just yet." Brian says. "The party is today."

"The party is today?" I asked. "That means my album is already released, is it?"

"It is." Brian replied. "In some places."

"Oh cool." I said.

"We invited all of your favourite celebrities but you have to find them. They all know what we're doing we told them everything. Your first clue will be in an envelope on your pillow." Brian said.

"Oh cool a celebrity scavenger hunt how fun. This is gonna be easy I know how they talk I can just listen out for them."

"Oh about that there's gonna be music playing so you won't be able to hear them." Brian said. "Not too loud just loud enough to not hear them."

"Oh very clever." I said. "Will the clues say their names and where they are?"

"The clues will not have their names but it will have a hint of who and where they are." He replied.

"Okay cool." I said. "When I find one of them will they help me find the others?"

"No the envelope will have a coin along with the clue, you will give them the coin and they will give you the next envelope with the next clue but you have to do some kind of activity with them before you give them the coin there's gonna be different stuff you can do."

"Okay I'm totally gonna enjoy this." I said checking the time on my phone.

"Oh your costume should be on your bed along with the first clue." Brian said. "The party will start at one so just take your time getting ready it's still pretty early."

"How do the coins look like?" I asked.

"I have yours." Brian says handing me a coin.

"Awesome there's a butterfly on it." I said. "Wait that's my symbol how did you get my symbol on a coin?"

"Your brother ordered them." Brian said. "I gave him a picture of your symbol and he designed them."

"Cool." I said looking at the coin. "Is he coming?"

"Your brother and sister in law might come." Brian replied.

"Oh they know I live here now?" I asked.

"No they just think you're staying here for a while." Brian says as he stands up and looks out of the window.

"Who's out there?" I asked.

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