Chapter 81

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I woke up looked at the time and saw that it was 11:50. I turned to face Adam but he wasn't there. I noticed a note on his pillow. I grabbed it and read it to myself.

    I had to go to California for a while I'll be back in a few days. I'll see you soon and don't worry I'll be back in time for our wedding. I love you.

"Well Adam left. Great. I love you too." I said.

I crumbled up the note and tossed it in the bin. Poppy ran into my room and jumped on my bed.

"Hi Jackie." She said.

"What in the- Oh right I forgot I could talk to animals." I said petting her. "Where have you been?"

"In Amanda's room." She said.

"Where's Amanda?" I asked.

"In the living room with Anita." Poppy said.

"Hi Jacklynn." Jane said as she teleported into my room. "Where's Adam?"

"Hi Jane he's in California he left a note." I said. "Didn't even wake me he just left."

"Where's the note?" Jane asked.

"In the bin." I said.

"You threw it away?" She asked as she took it out of the bin she read it then threw it back in the bin. "Okay I see why you threw it away."

"Yeah exactly." I said.

"Hey can I stay the night?" Jane asked.

"Yeah sure." I said. "Maybe Roger will take us on an adventure."

"Awesome I'll be back I'm gonna go pack a few stuff and tell my brothers." Jane said then teleported away.

"I'm gonna go see my daughter." I said walking out of my room Poppy following behind me.

I walked into the living room and saw Amanda and Anita.

"Mommy, mommy." Amanda said crawling to me.

She stood up and stretched her arms up at me.

"Hi Mandy." I said picking her up. "Hey Anita did Adam tell you he was going to California?"

"Yeah he told us he was planning on going for a day or two." Anita replied.

"He's been planning it for how long?" I asked.

"He told us two days ago." Anita said.

"Seriously? Why wouldn't he tell me?" I asked.

"He didn't tell you?" Anita asked.

"No, he did leave a note I saw it when I woke up." I said.

"That's weird I wonder why he didn't tell you." She said as Brian walked out of the kitchen with a brown paper bag. "Brian do you know why Adam didn't tell Jacklynn he was going to California?"

"He didn't tell you?" Brian asked looking at me. "I thought he did."

"He didn't tell me anything." I said.

"That's weird." Brian said as Jane teleported into the living room."

"I wouldn't worry about it he probably had his reasons for not telling you." Jane said.

"Oh Jane, Jacklynn, Roger was here earlier today he wanted me to tell you that because of the rain he can't take you on an adventure and he said that you can't use your powers for at least 24 hours and you have to wear these from keeping from using your powers." Brian said taking two anklets out of the paper bag.

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