Chapter 78

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I woke up and saw Adam is still asleep. I got out of bed checked on Amanda then went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen made some tea then sat down.

"Hey Jackie." Crypta said.

"Hey Crypta." I said. "Is anyone else up."

"Nope just me." Crypta said.

"I thought you were in Alabama when did you get back?" I asked.

"Just now I used the teleporter." Crypta said. "I'm gonna go watch Peppa Pig."

Crypta walked out of the kitchen and I stayed drinking my tea. I finished my tea put the tea cup in the sink and went upstairs. I walked into my room and saw Adam still asleep. I grabbed my laptop and watched youtube videos until Adam woke up.

"Jacklynn what are you doing?" I heard Adam say.

"Nothing!" I said quickly shutting my laptop.

"What were you watching?" Adam asked.

"Nothing." I said.

"Were you watching Supernatural conventions?" He asked. "Jane told me you used to watch them a lot."

"What? No of course not." I giggled.

"You definitely were." Adam said.

"Shut up." I said playfully.

"Have you seen the-." Adam started but was cut off by Amanda crying.

I got up and ran to her room which used to be Adam's room.

"Hey Amanda shh it's okay." I said picking her up.

"Jacklynn!!" I heard Jane running upstairs.

"What is it?" I asked walking back to my room Jane following behind.

"Well you know how you're a singer." Jane said.

"Yeah nothing new." I said. "Where are you going with this?"

"Well since you're a singer that can be one of your powers." Jane said.

"How will that work?" I asked. "Adam can you-."

"Feed Amanda?" Adam said. "Sure."

"Thanks." I said as Adam took Amanda.

"Well Roger will be here in a few minutes he's gonna make your voice one of your powers." Jane said. "Of course the singing won't control your powers just your singing can like maybe heal someone or you could start an earthquake."

"That would actually be awesome." I said.

"I know right I even wanted that power but I can't sing you have to be able to sing to have that power." Jane said.

She froze for a minute then looked at me.

"Jane what's wrong?" I asked.

"Something is coming for you." Jane said. "I think vampires."

"Vampires why vampires?" I asked.

"They think you're one of them." Jane said. "But not just vampires demons too they want to possess you but you can't be possessed you still have that tattoo right."

"Yeah of course I do." I said lifting my shirt up to show my hip.

"Clever I haven't got one yet." Jane said. "I think that's something that only real fans get I am a fan of Supernatural but I'm not obsessed like you are."

"You should get one." I said. "Where's a tattoo place?"

"There's one at the R.A.N headquarters." Jane said.

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