1. The start

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Everyone thinks it's hard to manage with issues, whether it's be sobriety or battles with mental health. Let me and my father, Captain Nash, be proof that you can work with issues. Back to the most important thing, I was a firefighter with the 118. I used to be a paramedic but I realised that wasn't for me. The alarm in the siren went signalling an emergency, we all got into the truck or in some cases the ambulance and set off to the scene. We entered the house and went straight to the backyard space, the mother had started doing compressions which was a good thing.

"Okay, Buck, start chest compressions. Hen, start bagging him." Captain Nash said to them, during work hours it was easier to call him Captain Nash or Bobby. Whereas out of work, it would turn into Dad.

"Got you, Captain." Hen said before crouching next to the boy.

"Ma'am, come with me. I need to get my team in here. Don't worry. He's gonna be all right." Captain said to the mother. Me and Chim crouched beside the boy.

"Get some of that water out." Hen said to us, Captain was calming the mother down seeming as she was practically watching us do all we could to save her son.

"Coming around. Starting compressions." Buck said before beginning compressions.

"Pulse ox is on. Pad's on." Chim said to them both. I looked at the mother.

"Ma'am do you know how long he was underwater for?" I asked her, this was important.

"I don't know. A few minutes, maybe." She responded, so it wasn't too late.

"...seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen..." Buck said counting while doing compressions.

"Does he have any medical conditions?" Bobby asked her.

"No." She responded.

"Is he on any kind of medication?" I asked her.

"No." She responded, so we could give any medication because we know that it won't affect anything else in his system. That was a key thing to note on calls.

"...17, 18, 19, 20. Go." Buck said before stoping to let the defibrillators come in. They shocked him but nothing.

"No rhythm." Chim said to us, the defibrillator charged again before shocking the kid again.

"Come on, kid. Come on." Buck whispered under his breath.

"It's coming, it's coming, it's coming." Hen said before turning his head to the side so he could get the water out of his system.

"Hey. Hey, man. That's it. Get it out. There we go." Buck said.

"Get it all out." I said to the kid.

"Good job, kid." Dad said to him.

"Good job. Good job." Hen said with a smile.

"All right, kid, your mom is right here." Chim said to him with a smile.

"Whew." Hen said in relief.

"You're gonna be okay." I said with a smile.

"Thank you. You'll be okay." The mom said to us. Of course that was a call that went successful, in some cases it didn't go our way. We had another call about a jumper. My dad had gone up to go and get her down. Instead she just let go and fell. Because she didn't want to be saved. I saw my dad stand up there a little bit before we all headed back to the station. Dad took a quick outing to the church whereas Buck took the truck out somewhere. Probably to pick up girls, I know what went through his mind. I saw Dad enter the station.

"Ready to cook some lunch?" I asked him while looking down at him. He looked up.

"When aren't I." He said before coming up the stairs and helping me prepare lunch. We made the best food, there was no denying that. When we were dishing up, Chim was talking about his girlfriend.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now