65. Home And Away

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Since the day the blackout ended we found out that Maddie had left. We had no idea where she'd gone. Chim was in a state and this morning Buck was going to try and see what he could do. Give him a talk. I wouldn't change anything, Chim was too far gone with this. But in better news Martina was now 5 months. When it came to shift I was not expecting the call that we had. It was for the homecoming parade and no one would expect such a tragedy to come from it. A vehicle had that crashed into it. We went immediately. "118, 133, 147, respond yo major traffic collision, corner of La Vista and Bradley. Vehicle versus pedestrians, reports of multiple injuries. Battalion Chief Nine, we have a multiple-injury T-C, corner of La Vista and Bradley." Dispatch said before we pulled into the street, this was something you'd never forget. We got our equipment and went off.

"You have to help my friend." A guy said to me and he grabbed my arm.

"Where is he?" I asked him and he took my over to his friend who was trapped under part of a float. I looked around and I saw firefighter from another house. "Hey, Moore! I need your help over here." I shouted at him and he ran over.

"What do you need?" He asked me and I looked at him and then at the float.

"I need you to help lift this off his leg. Hey, what's your name kid?" I asked the guy who was with us.

"Jordan. My names Jordan." He said to me and I looked at him.

"Your friend is about to be in the worst pain ever, I need you to keep him talking and to keep him calm. You think you can do that?" I asked him, he'd gone blank for a before blinking a few times. He nodded.

"Do it. I'm ready." His friend said to us and we nodded. I looked at Moore and gave him a signal before we lifted the float and dragged him out. I then waved a paramedic over.

"What have we got?" The paramedic asked us.

"He's got an open fracture on his tibia, pulse is rapid from the adrenaline he's experiencing. He's lost a lot of blood as well." I said before they got him on a gurney and got him to the ambulance.

"Jordan, you did well. Go with him." I said while smiling at the kid, he was brave for what he'd done. He nodded and went off. I then saw everyone running away.

"Everybody back! Chlorine gas! I want everybody in breathing apparatus. Put rubber bands on the sleeves of your turnouts, protect your skin. Evacuate this area. Anybody who can walk, I want 'Em back a thousand feet. I want the fire inside this truck knocked down and I want a stream of fog on top of that smoke. We still have a victim pinned down and I want to keep that smoke away from him." Dad said to us all as we all got geared up again. I was going for the fire, it was the best thing to do, I had Ravi with me as well.

"It's out, we're all safe. I said to him with a smile, and he got his radio out.

"Fire's contained, Cap." Ravi said before I headed to the hospital to fill out some paperwork.

"Firefighter Y/n Buckley-Nash." I heard a lady say, I turned around.

"Yes? That's me." I said to her, she looked like she was ready to cry at any given minute.

"Thank you for helping my son, Denis. I can't thank you enough." She said to me and I looked at her with a smile.

"I was just making sure that a son got home to his Mom." I said to her making her smile, I could tell that she was appreciative. She was being like all Mom's.

"Your a Mom as well?" She asked me with a smile.

"A daughter, she's 5 months old." I said to her with a smile.

"Then you understand how thankful I am for you." She said to me and I smiled, it was nice to be able to have conversations like this. She was thankful that I saved her son, better news than what came out from the tragedy. I needed a meeting after today, it was hard.

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