5. Point Of Origin

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There was only a few hours left until we were finally getting a well earned day off. Dad seemed to be a little better than the other day. Unfortunately for us was for a wedding downtown where are a floor had collapsed. "16 DOA so far. Mostly blunt trauma to the head or crushed by falling debris or other bodies. One victim impaled." Buck said to us.

"What a way of celebrating a new marriage." I said to Buck, god I hope that the bride and groom we're ok otherwise they would be the fastest people to ever become widows.

"They fell through two stories. I won't be surprised if that number goes higher." Dad said while looking up. That wouldn't surprise me at all.

"Captain, the groom is devastated- -his bride hasn't been accounted for yet." Hen said to us, that would be the worst feeling ever.

"We'll find her. Buck, I'm gonna need you to go up top. Access to the second floor is blocked. We're gonna have to tackle this thing from both ends." Dad said to us, we needed to find the bride.

"Okay, Captain." Buck said before walking away, we heard someone shouting so we went over.

"Savita! Savita! Savita!" He shouted while removing debris out the way. I'm guessing he was the groom.

"Step back. Step back, it's okay. If she's in there, we will find her." Dad said while pushing him away.

"You don't need to worry, we'll find her." I said to him reassuringly. He still wouldn't leave.

"Sir, stay back. She, let us do our job." Dad said to him.

"Savita!" He shouted again.

"Just have a seat, let us do our job." Hen said while walking away with him. Me and Dad started to move the debris. When it got to a certain point we had to cut it open.

"We're gonna need some help trying to get her out." I said to Dad, he looked around and saw Buck.

"Buck. Buck, get over here, give us a hand." Dad said before we started pushing a big chunk of debris out the way. We then started pulling some more debris out the way.

"She's not moving." Buck said to us.

"All right, is she breathing?" Dad asked us.

"I think so." I said to Dad, I mean I could see her chest rising and falling.

'Hey, she's coming to. You got it?" Buck asked us, we did have it. We started to gently pull something out of the way.

"Yeah." Dad said to him. "Hold on, stay still. Stay still in there." Dad said to Buck before we entered the sheltered debris section.

"Here. Here. We got you. Give me your hand. Okay. Can you move? All right. Come one. Slowly, all right? We got you. We got you." Buck said before gently leading her out. "We got you. Okay, got her." Buck said again. Dad grabbed her other arm.

"It's okay, it's okay. Easy. Easy. Watch your head." Dad said to her before she stood up.

"Savita." He husband said, when they rejoined each other I smiled. I may not have been the best start to a marriage but they still had each other. I noticed that Dad was looking around before picking something up from the ground.

"Is the owner here?" Dad asked us, I honestly had no idea. I looked at Hen.

"Uh, that's him right there. Why?" Hen said while pointing to him.

"Hey. When'd you put on the third floor? When did you put on the third floor? You think I don't know what that is?" Dad shouted before throwing the Kal-Pal on the floor.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now