55. Breaking Point

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Another week in, that was 11 weeks now. God it was scary how quickly it was flying by. 6 months to go. For shift we were called to the airport. We saw a plane with the slide out. "Let me get this collar on, and then we can assess the- -" Hen started before she was cut off.

"No, she is not the real emergency. Over here." A colleague said to us, his friend was choking and gasping for air.

"Hen, Chim, need you guys over here now! Eddie, you,Y/n and Buck deal with the flight attendant." Dad said to us, I was happy to deal with her. It was a lot less stressful.

"Could be an ankle fracture. Can you wiggle your toes for me?" Eddie asked and she tried but couldn't.

"Yep, that's an ankle fracture." I said to him, I saw that Buck wasn't giving all his attention to us.

"Is it just me, or does this guy look familiar?" Buck asked us and I looked at him.

"It's the guy that we pulled out of the jet engine." Dad said to us, we truly had helped him before.

"Oh, yeah." Buck said to us in realization.

"His job seems more dangerous than ours." Eddie said to us all, I looked at him.

"Way more dangerous." I said to him before we made a splint for our attendant.

"Breathe, okay. Just breathe." Eddie said to her, we were nearly done over here.

"It's all rainbows and unicorns on the ground. Try flying the unfriendly skies." She said to everyone, she was drunk. I could smell it in her breathe.

"You don't know Darrell, lady." He said to her, Darrell was a tough guy. We moved her onto a backboard and took her to the ambulance. We then packed everything away.

"Me too." I heard her say. I was looking forward to when shift ended. And once it did me and Buck went home.

"So, our moving date is 2 weeks. I think we should start packing everything so we're ready. Especially since you'll be in the 2nd trimester soon." Buck said to me as we got through the front door.

"How about, I start packing the easy things whilst you go and look after Christopher. Then I'll go and see Hayden see if he can help us move out." I said to me and he kissed me softly. He smiled.

"Sounds good, just as long as you leave enough clothes out for the time being." He said to me and that's what happened. We quickly ate before he left. Once I got home I saw the lights were off so I took it as everyone had gone to sleep. I then went and changed before joining Buck. Next shift was going to be a long shift.

"Eh, should've tried thinking before he ended up on a roof. I mean, he cornered himself." Eddie said to us all, I was sat down in the ledge of the engine.

"That there is a whole series of bad life choices culminating in this one unfortunate moment. It'd be tragic if it wasn't so moronic." Hen said to us, I looked at her.

"I'll never let anything like this being the decision my kids or any of your kids make." I said to everyone, I was practically the aunt in all of these kids lives.

"Why don't they just storm the roof? It's not that high. We can give 'em a ladder." Chim said to us, this was going to take ages.

"It's a tactic negotiators use to drag out the process in order to wear down the suspect. Eventually they hit a breaking point." Dad said to Chim, they were you were really dragging this out.

"Or we do." Chim said to us all.

"Ten bucks says he falls right off that roof." Hen said to us all, I wasn't making any bets. Not today.

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