12. 7.1

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This morning everything was going fine, that was until the earthquake hit. But let me take you a bit before that. Like I said it was like a normal shift. When I got to work and changed Dad had finished cooking breakfast. "What are we talking about?" I asked as I walked over to them.

"Y/n, if you weren't a member of the LAFD what would you do?" Hen asked, I saw Dad, Chim and Buck look at me.

"Probably a professional dancer." I said to them all.

"Wait really?" Chim asked me.

"You should've seen her growing up. She was constantly entering national competitions. She has her fair share of trophies as well." Dad said to them all.

"We need pictures and videos." Buck said to us.

"I have plenty of those." I said to them all. Buck walked at sat down at one of the tables.

"What's going on with you, kid?" Dad asked Buck as he handed me a plate with my omelette on.

"Just traffic sucks in this town unless you're driving ten tons of engine with sirens. It took me almost two hours to get from Abby's place to the call center downtown, then back over here. Just told Maddie she needs to start Ubering." Buck said to us, I was glad that she was staying in town for a bit.

"How's your sister settling in down there?" Dad asked him, I was almost finished with my omelette. I really should start eating slower.

"Well, she's a Buckley. Practically running the place." Buck said to us with a smile, Chim and Hen moved away.

"I'm gonna start cleaning the fire truck." I said before walking away. When Eddie came, he started to check underneath the engine to make sure everything was okay. I was currently on the side ladder wiping the top. It was going to look so shiny after I was done with it. When the earthquake hit, I tightened my grip on the ladder. Of course Eddie was able to slid out from under the engine but I wasn't so lucky.

"Okay, that's at least a six." Chim said to us. I was generally terrified in case I fell.

"Seven." I heard Hen say.

"Y/n, hold on." I heard Dad shout at me.

"I don't know how much longer I can." I said to him. I could feel my grip get looser.

"Y/n, let go. I'll catch you." I heard Buck say from below me.

"Are you sure?" I asked him.

"I'm sure." He said to me, I let go and he did catch me, I put me down and we both ran the side.

"Anybody else back there?" I heard Dad ask, the canisters were leaking and glass had been shattered. Buck left me to go and see if there was anyone else in need of help.

"No." Buck shouted. I managed to get over to Hen and Eddie. People started shouting over each other and I couldn't understand anything.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Hen asked me with a smile,

"Yeah, I think so." I said to her. We were definitely getting a lot of calls today. Once we got our first call, we all got ready. As we were going to the location we saw what damage had been done to a few buildings. Power lines were done but that didn't matter given that no one were in the vehicles. Me and Buck both spotted Eddie in his phone. I think he was trying to contact someone.

"Is everything okay?" Buck asked him.

"Yea. There's no service. Texts won't even get through." Eddie said to us, I wasn't surprised.

"Who you trying to get ahold of?" Buck asked him, it took Eddie a while to answer.

"My son. I'm trying to reach my son." He answered, he had a kid.

Issues // Buck X Reader // 9-1-1 [Book 1] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now