74. Fear-O-Phobia

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Tonight I'd decided to go over to Chim's he was back, I went with Hen. Once he opened the door the three of us laughed before hugging. "Welcome home." Hen said to him with a smile.

"We missed you so much." I said to him with a smile.

"Missed you, too. You want a beer and an ice tea?" He asked the two of us and we smiled.

"Yeah." We both said to him before he got our drinks out.

"Maddie not around?" Hen asked him and he opened his beer.

"We broke up." He said to us, I couldn't believe this. "All those over times we were apart, it always felt like it was outside forces. Ex-husbands, pandemics. This time, it feels like the call's coming from inside the house." He said to us.

"It's hard enough trying to keep a relationship together under the same roof. But not speaking to each other for six months?" Hen asked him.

"It's enough to drive anyone apart." I said to them both. We then got on the topic of Buck's black eye.

"I already apologized to Buck. Everything is fine with us. I'm ready to get back with the team." He said and Hen and I took a deep breath in.

"Mm, yeah. The team's configuration is just a little bit different than when you left." Hen said to him and I looked at him.

"Eddie quit and got replaced with a Lucy Donato. And then Dad replaced you with this guy called Jonah." I said to him, telling him about the new team.

"Bobby replaced me?" Chim asked and we both nodded.

"And Buck made out with the new firefighter. He still hasn't told Y/n but she figured it out for herself and I confirmed it." Hen said to him, I was so glad that I had a trustworthy friend who didn't keep stuff from me.

"Me and him are still fine though. Even if he is still keeping it a secret." I said Chim, I still was sad over that fact.

"Buck made out with the new firefighter?" Chim asked us.

"Yep." Hen said making him exhale.

"You guys totally fell apart without me." He said making us both laugh.

"And now your back to fix it." I said to him with a smile. Me and Hen stayed for a while longer before we headed home. When it came to the next shift Chim still wasn't with us. Which was unfortunate.

"Okay, Buck, Y/n, Lucy? Help them tie off so we can board." Dad said, I watched as Buck and Lucy knocked into each other.

"Uh, sorry. Excuse me." He said to her before going past. I looked at Hen.

"How deep was he before he came up?" Dad asked the guy running the boat.

"Over 100 feet. My other diver's still coming up. He's only halfway. Might as well just grab him now." He said to us all, we all went and tied the boat off whilst Hen and Jonah were looking at the victim. Lucy then went over, who even knew why. I was just with Buck.

"Buck, get him prepped for medevac." Dad said before Buck went running. "This is 118 to Air Operations. We need medevac at San Pedro Marina. Victim is suffering from severe decompression sickness and possibly a punctured lung. Prep for hyperbaric oxygen treatment." Dad said over the radio.

"Roger that, Captain 118. We're transporting a trauma patient. Will circle back as soon as we unload. 15 minutes out." The pilot said to us but that would be too late. He'd be gone.

"He'll be dead before he sees the inside of a chamber." Lucy said to us all.

"She's not wrong." Hen said agreeing with her.

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